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Results 2141-2150 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
214115 Sunday. (Adams Papers)
If one Man or Being, out of pure Generosity, and without any Expectation of Returns, is about to confer any Favour or Emolument upon Another, he has a right and is at Liberty to choose in what manner, and by what means, to confer it. He may convey the Favour by his own Hand or by the Hand of his Servant, and the Obligation to Gratitude is equally strong upon the benefited Being. The mode of...
2142Orders, 15 August 1756 (Washington Papers)
As His Majestys declaration of War against the French King will be proclaimed to-morrow, the Soldiers will be excused from work—and are ordered to appear in the most decent and neat manner; and to be ready to attend at the Long-roll. LB , DLC:GW . The “Long-roll” was a prolonged roll of the drums.
2143Proclamation, 15 August 1756 (Washington Papers)
You see, Gentlemen Soldiers, that it hath pleased our most gracious Sovereign to declare War in Form against the French King and (for divers good Causes, but more particularly for their ambitious Usurpations and Encroachments on his American Dominions) to pronounce all the said French Kings Subjects and Vassals, to be Enemies to his Crown and Dignity, and hath willed and required all his...
Letter not found: from David Bell, 15 Aug. 1756. On 6 Sept. 1756 GW wrote to Bell: “I received yours of the 15th August.”
2145Orders, 16–17 August 1756 (Washington Papers)
The officer for the Day to-morrow, to assemble all the men on the publick work, to parade in the Fort, and work there in filling up the Bastions, &c. and none to be detached to the woods, unless the Colonel gives orders. It is the Colonels positive orders, that no Soldier go half a mile from Quarters without written orders: If any are found acting contrary, they will be confined and tried as...
At a Committee held. August 14. 17; & 18. 1756 Col. Washingtons Accounts were examined The Article of £50 stolen from Cap. Peachy referred to the Assembly 3. 19. due from G. Hedgman to be got from him 6. 10. paid to Jenkins to be got back 11. 18. 8. due from Francis Triplett to be stop’d out of his Pay 5. 7. 6 paid by N. Smith to Carlyle & Dalton to be got from them 6. 15. due from Geo. Gordon...
Letter not found: from Adam Stephen, 17 Aug. 1756. On 6 Sept. 1756 GW wrote to Stephen: “Yours of the 17th . . . August I received.”
Printed in Votes and Proceedings of the House of Representatives , 1755–1756 (Philadelphia, 1756), p. 128. On August 17 the Assembly received a message from the governor informing it of the capture by French and Indians, July 31, of Fort Granville, about 25 miles west of the Susquehanna on the Juniata River (near present-day Lewiston). The treasury was depleted, and Morris asked for new...
2149Orders, 18 August 1756 (Washington Papers)
Our Committee has been engaged for two Days in considering the several Accounts & your Letter, which were laid before us, & I think have redressed every Grievance which Prudence & our Authority as a Committee would allow of; As to your own particular Case, we have thought fit to refer the Consideration of that to another Time; for the Reasons that our Chairman, from whom they will come more...