Thomas Jefferson Papers

John Barnes to Thomas Jefferson, 27 April 1814

From John Barnes

George Town 27h April 1814—

Dear Sir

I had this morning the pleasure of Presenting—your letter of the 22d Ulto with the inclosed (herewith returned you) to Genl Armstrong—and—withal tendered to him—your many thanks, for his politeness—in receiving paying, & forwarding the Articles therein mentioned—it had escaped his recollection, inquiring After your health &a beged I would tender to you his most respectfull good wishes for its continuance— I tendered1 the Genl ten dollars—but, he would not receive more than Eight—rating five francs to the dollar—

waiting your Answer to mine of the2 16 Inst

I am Dear Sir, your very Obedt

John Barnes.

PS.  The good President left Washington this Morning abt 9. oCk. for Montpelier. I was a ¼ of an hour too late—in paying my respects, and in wishing him a pleasant & safe Journey. After the fatigue of an Anxious and most interesting long session  We are not to expect any More Cossack dinners—Their Orator—Mr Harper having proved to be but, a false prophet!—

RC (ViU: TJP-ER); postscript on verso of address leaf; addressed: “Thomas Jefferson, Esquire, Monticello—Virginia”; franked and postmarked; endorsed by TJ as received 7 May 1814 and so recorded in SJL. Enclosure: Claude Antoine Prieur Duvernois to TJ, 5 Sept. 1810.

Federalist Robert Goodloe harper proclaimed in a speech at a 5 June 1813 dinner celebrating the recent French defeats in Russia that the “triumphal car of other conquerors has passed over the necks of prostrate nations. As the triumphal car of Alexander advances, prostrate nations rise up and hail him as their deliverer” (Correspondence respecting Russia, between Robert Goodloe Harper, Esq. and Robert Walsh, Jun. together with the Speech of Mr. Harper, commemorative of the Russian Victories. Delivered at Georgetown, Columbia, June 5th, 1813. and An Essay on the Future State of Europe [Philadelphia, 1813], quotation on p. 27).

1Manuscript: “tended.”

2Manuscript: “of the of the.”

Index Entries

  • Armstrong, John; and J. Barnes search
  • Armstrong, John; and minerals for TJ search
  • Armstrong, John; TJ reimburses search
  • Barnes, John; handles financial transactions search
  • Barnes, John; letters from search
  • Harper, Robert Goodloe; on Russia search
  • Jefferson, Thomas; Business & Financial Affairs; reimburses J. Armstrong search
  • Madison, James; visits Montpellier search
  • Montpellier (Montpelier; J. Madison’s Orange Co. estate); J. Madison at search
  • Russia; Napoleon defeated in search