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Results 21321-21330 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
Since I took the liberty of writing to you respecting the portraits of Columbus & Americus Vespusius , I am enabled to send you a perfect proposal of my Biographical work , in the first volume of which your portrait & a Biographical skectch of your life will be given. I shall be happy if you will authorize me to put your name with others on my list as a subscriber. With the highest respect &...
I had the pleasure of Recving your letter the 16 th Ins t & the Contents truely observ d had I Recv d it in time, Should been happy to have Complide as to Writing you an answer By M r Th s Randolph from Nelson Court , you will please to excuse me for not meeting you at your place in Bedford
Perhaps it would best become me to apologise, for the liberty I take in requesting your acceptance of the Book which accompanies this—My heart tells me it is but a poor expression of my veneration for you If you should have leisure to look through it, I hope it will indicate the bias of the Compilers mind, & those principles to which your life has been devoted The little time it has been...
You will no doubt be much surprized at hearing from me, so soon after your departure; but a delemma has already occurred, and I write to know your intentions, respecting the letters that may arrive here. I supposed you had left your directions with Mr Smith, but he informs me that you only mentioned the public Papers, and intimated that you would speak to me about the private letters. I...
Gen. Winder arrived last evening. A general exchange of prisoners has been concluded with the exception of twenty three hostages held by us & sixty nine held by them. This is not putting us on strong or even equal ground. It was however the best arrangement he could make. The dispatch to the Gen., on the subject of the Armistice, went on to Canada after he left it and by a route different from...
Your favor of Feb. 8 . was recieved on the 9 th of March. I thank you for the trouble you have taken respecting Henderson , whose testimony would have been valuable to me: but I doubt if he would have given it, having latterly had reason to suspect that himself was the cheat by whom I lose 2000. Dollars. I sincerely condole sympathise with you in the affliction mentioned in your letter....
I thank you, Sir, for the copy of the new constitution of Spain which you have been so kind as to send me; and I sincerely congratulate yourself & the Spanish nation on this great stride towards political happiness. the invasion of Spain has been the most unprecedented & unprincipled of the transactions of modern times. the crimes of it’s enemies, the licentiousness of it’s associates in...
I had this morning the pleasure of Presenting— your letter of the 22 d Ult o with the inclosed (herewith returned you) to Gen l Armstrong —and—withal tendered to him—your many thanks, for his politeness— in receiving paying, & forwarding the Articles therein mentioned—it had escaped his recollection, inquiring After your health & a beged I would tender to you his most respectfull good wishes...
J’ai reçu, avec bien de la reconnaissance, la déclaration que vous vous êtes donné la peine de m’envoyer. Elle est amplement Suffisante pour lever tous les doutes qu’on aurait pu avoir au Sujet de l’affaire désagréable que des ennemis m’ont Suscité. Mais comme il pourrait peut-être arriver qu’il me fût utile de produire une pareille pièce en Justice, Je vous prie de m’en envoyer une autre où...
Mr: Nathl: W. Strong arrived here on the 31st. of March, and brought me an Order from the Secretary of State to go immediately to Gothenburg. I intend leaving this City the day after to–morrow, in compliance with that Instruction, and should have been gone before this, but that the passage of the gulph has been for some time impracticable. Mr Strong besides the despatches with which he was...