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Results 21321-21330 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
[Present: Leonard Gansevoort Esq r . Chairman; John Jay, Zephaniah Platt, Nathaniel Sacket, Esq rs .] . . . Resolved that Enoch Crosby assuming the Name of John do forthwith do forthwith repair to Mount Ephraim and use his Utm and use his utmost Art to ^ discover the ^ designs, Places of Resort, and Route, of certain disaffected Persons in that Quarter, who have form’d a Design of Joining the...
AL : American Philosophical Society Le marquis de Courtanvaux envoye sçavoir des nouvelles de Monsieur francklein et l’assurer de son respect il espert avoir l’honneur de l’aller voir l’un de ces jours. Addressed: A Monsieur / Monsieur francklein / a l’hotel d’antragues / rue de l’Université The soldier turned scientist who had entertained BF during an earlier visit to Paris: above, XV , 34. A...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Mr. Gerrad not being in town, I waited upon Count Vergennes, and delivered him the Letters, which he put in his Pocket, and desired I would call upon him for his answer, at 9 OClock tomorrow morning; so that I purpose staying here to night and have taken the Liberty of keeping the Carriage and Servants. Present my respects to Messrs. Deane and Lee and...
ALS : American Philosophical Society J’ay l’honneur de vous confirmer les trois lettres que j’ay eû celui de vous ecrire depuis votre depart de cette ville. Je me flatois d’avoir aujourd’huy la satisfaction d’apprendre votre heureuse arrivée en la capitalle, mais j’ay eté frustré dans mon attente. Je souhaite que votre santé ne soit pour rien dans ce retardement, et desire apprendre par le...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Upon my arrival here from Auray I had the Honor of receiving your’s of the 15th. Inst. the Contents of which shall be fully and punctually observed. M. Delamain who loaded the Prize from rochfort and was part owner, is in Nantes: has spoke to me relative to the Vessel and Cargo, which last he says was his property and says he cannot conceive that Cap. Wicks...
Fix with Colo. Griffin on your Points of Attack—In this, as circumstances must govern, I shall not interfere; but let the hour of attack be the 26th, and one hour before day (of that Morning.) I have wrote to Colo. Hitchcock to join his Brigade to yours, and cooperate therewith. If you should be successful (of which I have the highest hopes) move forward if possible, so as to form a junction...
Letter not found: from Col. John Cadwalader, 24 Dec. 1776. GW wrote in his first letter to Cadwalader of 25 Dec. : “I have yours of Yesterday.”
The Necessity of collecting a Body of Troops to supply the places of those whose term of Inlistment expires on the first of next Month, obliges me to press you to march forward with as much expedition as possible to this place or wherever my Head Quarters may be, with such part of the Troops under your command as may be judged expedient, and agreeable to the Orders I have already lodged with...
The time of the Flying Camp will be up in a few days (for which Department I was at first Perticularly appointd for.) As I expect they will immediatly go off for Philadelphia and Apply for their pay to the Treasurer, I think it necessary I should be their to settle their Accounts As sums of money have been paid on Account to Many of the Officers & Men, I think it my Duty to Mention this to...
I have this moment dispatch’d a proper Person over the river, to make the followg enquires, (& to return tomorrow morng, at which time a Horse will be provided for him, to wait upon your Excellency, with such Information as he may obtain) Viz: what Guards are posted upon the different roads leading into Trenton, the number on the Mill-bridge, where the Cannon lay & what number; to ascertain...