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Results 21311-21340 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
Your letter of yesterday, with the accompanying papers was delivered by the Express today, by 2...
So long as we had reason to beleive that the enemy intended and was in condition, to re-establish...
Th: Jefferson returns his thanks to M r Girardin for the Sabots, which will be of real value to...
t T he Boy just arrived and i hasten to forward you Six of the best they Brot the trip has been a...
The following Extract of a Law of Congress passed Feby. 26th 1811 is in Vol: 10. page 343. “The...
The arrangment of my private affairs & the removal of some portion of my family to the seat of...
The various duties of the Secretary of the Treasury has induced him to request of me that I would...
I return’d on thursday, and on the next morning recd. the enclosed from Genl. Winder, who had...
As it is not known to me whether or not you have had an opportunity of becoming acquainted with...
I have just heard of M rs Paradise’s death. M r Wales , M r Waller , and my Father were Col:...
Since I took the liberty of writing to you respecting the portraits of Columbus & Americus...
I had the pleasure of Recving your letter the 16 th Ins t & the Contents truely observ d had I...
Perhaps it would best become me to apologise, for the liberty I take in requesting your...
You will no doubt be much surprized at hearing from me, so soon after your departure; but a...
Gen. Winder arrived last evening. A general exchange of prisoners has been concluded with the...
Your favor of Feb. 8 . was recieved on the 9 th of March. I thank you for the trouble you have...
I thank you, Sir, for the copy of the new constitution of Spain which you have been so kind as to...
I had this morning the pleasure of Presenting— your letter of the 22 d Ult o with the inclosed...
J’ai reçu, avec bien de la reconnaissance, la déclaration que vous vous êtes donné la peine de...
Mr: Nathl: W. Strong arrived here on the 31st. of March, and brought me an Order from the...
I have before me your letter of yesterday. At the communication it makes I can not but feel the...
§ From George French. 26 April 1814, Bustleton. “Having had the honor of addressing a few lines...
Your favor of the 10 th by the delays of our winter post, is but just recieved and mine of the 19...
I rec d the 5 $ Note by the Boy but my Boys nor Fish have not come yet and i do not expect them...
Your letter of the 7 th inst. is just recieved and finds me within a few days of my departure for...
Circumstances over which I have no controul having coerced a determination on my part to retire...
Your letter of the 16 th is just recieved, and I have maturely considered it, as well as the...
Although personally unknown to you, at least, I fear, unrecollected, I address you frankly as a...
For your obliging and highly esteemed favour of August 16 th pl e ase to accept my warmest...
Lest any letter of December the 24th. last, in answer to yours of the 12th. of the same month,...