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Results 21311-21340 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
ALS : Archives du Ministère des affaires étrangères We beg Leave to acquaint your Excellency,...
Reprinted from The Port Folio , III (1803), 294. I have only time to say that I am arrived here...
ALS : American Philosophical Society J’espere que vous aurez eu un heureux voyage jusques à...
I shall not object to yr going to Philadelphia on Acct of your Health, but wish it would have...
I do myself the Honour to acknowledge the Receipt of your several Favours of the 12th 13th and...
The bearer is sent down to know whether your plan was attempted last Night—and if not, to inform...
I am honoured with your favour of the 12th Instant, It gives me great Satisfaction to find that...
Letter not found: from Maj. Gen. Artemas Ward, 23 Dec. 1776. GW wrote Ward on 20 Feb. 1777 : “I...
An Address of the Represen Convention of the State of New York to their Constituents At this most...
At this most important period, when the freedom and happiness, or the slavery and misery, of the...
[Present: Leonard Gansevoort Esq r . Chairman; John Jay, Zephaniah Platt, Nathaniel Sacket, Esq...
AL : American Philosophical Society Le marquis de Courtanvaux envoye sçavoir des nouvelles de...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Mr. Gerrad not being in town, I waited upon Count Vergennes,...
ALS : American Philosophical Society J’ay l’honneur de vous confirmer les trois lettres que j’ay...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Upon my arrival here from Auray I had the Honor of receiving...
Fix with Colo. Griffin on your Points of Attack—In this, as circumstances must govern, I shall...
Letter not found: from Col. John Cadwalader, 24 Dec. 1776. GW wrote in his first letter to...
The Necessity of collecting a Body of Troops to supply the places of those whose term of...
The time of the Flying Camp will be up in a few days (for which Department I was at first...
I have this moment dispatch’d a proper Person over the river, to make the followg enquires, (& to...
The unfortunate mode adopted by Congress for the appointment of Officers under the New...
That I should dwell upon the subject of our distresses cannot be more disagreable to Congress...
⟨S ir : We were honoured with your Excellency’s favour of the 15th instant,⟩ and most readily...
I am glad to hear by Major Shaw, that You Accepted of the Chain of Freindship which I sent you...
AL : American Philosophical Society Une personne honneste, et dont le nom ne serait pas connu de...
21336General Orders, 25 December 1776 (Washington Papers)
Each Brigade to be furnish’d with two good Guides. General Stevenss Brigade to form the advanced...
I have yours of Yesterday & have no doubt of your doing every thing in your Power to Promote the...
Notwithstanding the discouraging Accounts I have received from Col: Reed of what might be...
I have your obliging favors of the 21st and 23d the Blankets are come to hand, but I would not...
The present divided State of the Enemys army and the confidence they have gaind by their late...