Results 2131-2160 of 184,431 sorted by author
No. Author Recipient Title Date Context
2131 Adams, Charles Adams, Abigail Charles Adams to Abigail Adams, 16 November 1796 1796-11-16 I have received your two last letters that by M r Bracket accompanied by the presents you were so...
2132 Adams, Charles Adams, John Quincy Charles Adams to John Quincy Adams, 30 June 1795 1795-06-30 The last letter I received from you was dated the 16 th of April and contained not only the...
2133 Adams, Charles Adams, John Quincy Charles Adams to John Quincy Adams, 24 April 1796 1796-04-24 Your kind letters of Dec r 30 th from London and of Nov r 4 th from Helvoetsluys have been both...
2134 Adams, Charles Adams, John Charles Adams to John Adams, 9 March 1794 1794-03-09 I had the following conversation with a gentleman on thursday last How comes it that you vary so...
2135 Adams, Charles Adams, Abigail Charles Adams to Abigail Adams, 31 January 1796 1796-01-31 My Sister informs me that you have not lately heard from your sons in Holland and that you were...
2136 Adams, Charles Adams, Abigail Charles Adams to Abigail Adams, 22 April 1792 1792-04-22 The pamphlet you have been so kind as to send me has met with much approbation here. The boldness...
2137 Adams, Charles Adams, Abigail Charles Adams to Abigail Adams, 8 August 1796 1796-08-08 This morning about one o’clock My Sally presented me with a charming daughter They are both...
2138 Adams, Charles Adams, Abigail Charles Adams to Abigail Adams, 24 June 1792 1792-06-24 I have put off writing to you from post to post in hopes of hearing from some of the family that...
2139 Adams, Charles Adams, John Charles Adams to John Adams, 12 March 1794 1794-03-12 The Samaneens were a sect of Philosophers of India They embraced the doctrine of Butta or Budda...
2140 Adams, Charles Adams, John Charles Adams to John Adams, 19–20 February 1793 1793-02-19 I have this moment received your kind favor of the 17 th. I am not ignorant that dayly abuse is...
2141 Adams, Charles Adams, John Charles Adams to John Adams, 6 December 1793 1793-12-06 The very interesting situation of our Country at present cannot fail to call forth the serious...
2142 Adams, Charles Adams, John Charles Adams to John Adams, 7 February 1796 1796-02-07 Our Legislature have been some time occupied in debating upon what are called The Virginia...
2143 Adams, Charles Adams, Abigail Charles Adams to Abigail Adams, 11 September 1796 1796-09-11 Your favor of the 6 th instant came to hand yesterday. I can give you no certain information...
2144 Adams, Charles Adams, John Charles Adams to John Adams, 21 March 1796 1796-03-21 I am clearly of opinion with you that we stand in need of some magic equally powerful as the Lyre...
2145 Adams, Charles Adams, John Charles Adams to John Adams, 30 December 1794 1794-12-30 I have to acknowledge the receipt of your letters accompanying the trials of Gerrald Muir and...
2146 Adams, Charles Adams, Abigail Charles Adams to Abigail Adams, 16 August 1795 1795-08-16 I have been sometime expecting to hear from you upon a subject the most interesting to my heart....
2147 Adams, Charles Adams, John Charles Adams to John Adams, 19 December 1793 1793-12-19 I received your favour of the 16 th yesterday. I am sorry that from what I said in my last to you...
2148 Adams, Charles Adams, John Charles Adams to John Adams, 26 December 1792 1792-12-26 I am very sorry that M r Bull has been so very dilatory that I received the horses but a day or...
2149 Adams, Charles Adams, John Charles Adams to John Adams, 26 December 1795 1795-12-26 Your favors of the 13 th and 24 th I have received the latter containing the Post note for Dol s...
2150 Adams, Charles Cranch, William Charles Adams to William Cranch, 9 May 1785 1785-05-09 I receiv’d your letter of the 27th. of April sometime last week, and as your Chum is going to...
2151 Adams, Charles Adams, Abigail Charles Adams to Abigail Adams, 21 January 1797 1797-01-21 Permit me to congratulate you on the return of This Season and to offer my most earnest prayers...
2152 Adams, Charles Adams, Abigail Charles Adams to Abigail Adams, 8 October 1792 1792-10-08 It is a long time since I have heard from you although I have not omitted writing. I hope it is...
2153 Adams, Charles Adams, John Quincy Charles Adams to John Quincy Adams, 21 October 1790 1790-10-21 Upon my return from Law Society this evening I found my father in my room with a letter in his...
2154 Adams, Charles Adams, John Charles Adams to John Adams, 30 December 1793 1793-12-30 The effusions of our Jacobin spirit had been smothered if some evil minded person in Philadelphia...
2155 Adams, Charles Adams, John Quincy Charles Adams to John Quincy Adams, 7 November 1790 1790-11-07 I received your letter of the 29 th Ult o by the last post. The reflections which it raises in my...
2156 Adams, Charles Adams, Abigail Charles Adams to Abigail Adams, ca. 17 February 1795 1795-02-17 I did not receive your last letter until after it had been written some considerable time The...
2157 Adams, Charles Adams, John Quincy Charles Adams to John Quincy Adams, 6 January 1796 1796-01-06 Your letter of the 15 th September arrived yesterday I own I have not so much cause to complain...
2158 Adams, Charles Adams, John Charles Adams to John Adams, 28 December 1796 1796-12-28 Your kind letter of the last week I have received. Your ideas respecting a young man’s having a...
2159 Adams, Charles Whitelaw, James Charles Adams to James Whitelaw, 25 February 1798 1798-02-25 Seeing an advertisement in the farmers Weekly Museum that you would attend to the payment of...
2160 Adams, Charles Adams, John Charles Adams to John Adams, 13 December 1794 1794-12-13 I yesterday received your favor of the 11 th ins t enclosing the Post note for 100 Dol s: for...