Results 21121-21150 of 184,431 sorted by editorial placement
At a meeting of the Trustees of Alleghany College, held in Meadville, on the 9th of January,...
A meeting of the Republican Members of our Legislature held at the District Court Room in this...
I thank you for your address to the Peace Society. I have heard it with great pleasure It is...
I send you by this Mail, & request your acceptance of, some of my recent publications, in the...
Daily viewing a facsimile of your signature to that most most glorious of all human records—The...
I would not So Soon have intruded again into your dignified retirement had it not been, that you...
Again a Letter from Oldenbarneveld—I Suffered this winter with excruciating headache, partly...
I sincerely sympathise & condole with you in the Death of your Daughter in Law, such losses are...
The subject of this letter is of rather an odd cast. yet I indulge the hope, that you will excuse...
What a throb of pleasure will it give to the heart of Mr Adams to learn that the Acorn he...
I have received your kind latter of November 20th. and with the handsom present, of your...
Can I send thee a 3 dollar octavo volume of 620 pages, by mail, post-free? I have just published...
During a long illness, from which I am not yet recovered, the reveries which usually amuse sick...
permit me, though a Stranger, to address, the honored, Servant, of the Lord, and the Rever’d, of...
I have received with kindness and thank fullness, your learned work upon the Constitution—I have...
Your Elegant presents of a History & a Map of Washington, deserve my best thanks. The History of...
While I was prepareing to send to the Post office a letter to you, written on the 12th. I...
I have received your kind letter of the April 1st. And am very sorry it will not be in my power...
You have always been too good to me & I regret that I have never been able to make you any...
Know all men by these presents, that I John Adams of Quincy in the County of Norfolk and...
When I had the honour to be at your residence in 1817 (while accompanying President Monroe) I was...
Will you Oblidge me, so far as to inform me, the Names of the Seventeen Members of the House of...
During the many pleasant meetings which I enjoyed, when the board of Trustees of the Massachusts....
The novelty of the occasion that produced the inclosed address, may furnish some apology for its...
Believing that the United States Military and Philosophical Society may be considered as...
You may have observed by the Boston Patriot of the 18th: Inst: that Henry V. Somerville Esqr. had...
In answer to your letter I inclose you a letter from a friend in answer to your questions—Dr....
On the 15th. of March last I wrote unto you, requesting the favour of a Letter in your Own Hand...
I have deeply regretted my total incapacity to comply with your flattering request in your two...
I have deeply regretted my total incapacity to comply with your flattering request in your two...