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Results 211-220 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
Since my son wrote to me last summer after enjoying as he said the delightful presence of the magnificent old democrat of Montpellier, tho’ I have not had the happiness of any direct communication, yet I have constantly heard thro’ Gov. Gales of your situation and health—always, from every body, that your bouayant spirits are undiminished and your conversation what it always has been. Allow me...
It has been my good fortune to be selected as the channel by which to forward a package to you which appears to have come originally from Havre. A box to your address was to day delivered at this Office from on board a New York packet. On reflection I have concluded to acquit myself of the trust by sending the box to Major Gibbon the Collector of Richmond whom I have requested to send it...
Below is an authority for transferring my credit on the Books of the S. G. T. Company, to yours. FC and enclosure (DLC) . Enclosure is an authorization written by Payne Todd, for Allen to receive the dividend from the Swift Run Gap Turnpike Company.
The copy of your "Discourse on the History charac[ter] and prospects of the West", was duly received; and I have read with pleasure, the instructive views taken of its interesting and comprehensive themes Should the youth addressed and their successors follow your advice, and their example be elsewhere, in noting from period to period, the progress and changes of our country under the aspects...
The Kind interest which You have always taken in the Work of the Coast Survey, occasiones me to communicate to You herewith a Copy of the principal Documents relating to that work, which it has become necessary for me to print on account of the violent attack made upon me, and my character by the 4th Auditor under whose hands the transfer of the work to the Navy Department has brought the...
This letter will be handed to you by the Reverend Daniel Newell, the General Agent appointed by the "Society of the Alumni" of the College of New Jersey, for carrying into effect the resolution of that body to raise $100,000 for the enlargement of the Institution. The Committee of the Society of Alumni, who selected & have commissioned Mr. Newell as their general Agent, have great confidence...
Altho’ the Legislature of Virginia declared at a late Session almost unanimously, that S. Carolina was not supported in her doctrine of nullification by the Resolutions of 1798, it appears that those Resolutions are still appealed to as expressly or constructively favoring the doctrine That the doctrine of nullification may be clearly understood, it must be taken as laid down in the Report of...
You justly take alarm at the new doctrine that a majority Govt. is of all Govts. the most oppressive. The doctrine strikes at the root of Republicanism, and if pursued into its consequences, must terminate in absolute monarchy, with a standing military force; such alone being impartial between its subjects, and alone capable of overpowering majorities as well as minorities. But it is said that...
Having alluded to the Supreme Court of the U. S. as a Constitutional resort in deciding questions of Jurisdiction between the U. S. and the individual States a few remarks may be proper shewing the sense and degree in which that character is more particularly ascribed to that Department of the Govt. As the Legislative, Executive & Judicial Departments of the U. S. are co-ordinate, and each...
Deposit 5400 + 600 (check every Memorandum of checks drawn on the Bank of Fredericksburg on the fund recd. from Mr Taylor. No. 1. fav. of W. Allen $1500 2. J. C. Payne 400 3. E. Coles.....2050 octb 4. J. Ballard & Co. ..... 200 10 5. Js. Shepherd ..... 80 10 6. Eras: T. Rose .... 250 17. 7 Docr. Grymes ..... 15 20. 8. D & M. Cutts ... 45 31. 9. Jas. Cowherd .... 1047 Nov 11. 20. Peter Gray...