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Results 211-260 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
211[Diary entry: 29 February 1796] (Washington Papers)
29th. A good deal of Rain fell in the Night. Fine Rain all day with the Wind at East.
N’ayant point de vos nouvelles depuis mon retour á Paris, je prends la liberté de vous demander...
ALS : American Philosophical Society This will be handed you by Mr. Joseph Fichet Armeture De Le...
Depuis 10 années que je m’occupe de recherches sur la Nature, je suis parvenu à faire une ample...
Attempts in different shapes have been made to repel the charges which have been brought against...
Having been Inform’d some time since that Mr DeSaussure’s Acceptance of the Office of Director of...
I am thus far on my way to Philadelphia, and if the disagreeableness of the weather (for it is...
I return you the draught of the Bill for the establishment of a National academy & University at...
I have the Honour to inclose for Your Excellency’s Determination, a petition I have just received...
Upon a presumption that a part of the intended operations against the Indians will be carried on...
221[Diary entry: 19 January 1772] (Washington Papers)
19. At home all day. In the Afternoon Majr. Wagener and Mr. John Barnes with Doctr. Craik came...
I last night received the favor of your Letter of the 26th with the Resolves to which it alludes....
Before your Letter arrived Dr Priestley was dead: of which I informed you hastily on the same...
I have been introduced through the entreaties and tears of the aged and the young, to an...
The period is now at hand when I intend retireing from the administration of this government. I...
I send you the enclosed letter. You will make enquiry into the character and circumstances of the...
Saturday June the 3d 1775. Congress however ordered the Letter to lie under on the Table for...
228[Diary entry: 8 August 1770] (Washington Papers)
8. Dined at Colo. Lewis’s. GW apparently clubbed at Weedon’s again this evening and played cards,...
Before I left Washington I was called upon by Col. Tousard, who had been charged by Fayette with...
To answer your Honour’s Letter of the 25th by Mr Birney —I shall begin with assuring you, that...
Mr Sullivan who will have the pleasure to present you this letter, intending to visit the upper...
I believe I told you in my last , that I had given you all in Lindseys Memoirs, than that...
23317 August., 17 August 1776 (Adams Papers)
17 August. The congress resolved that Gustavus Risberg be appointed an assistant to Clement...
234[Diary entry: 1 October 1768] (Washington Papers)
Octr. 1. Clear and pleasant. Still forenoon but brisk Southwestwardly Wind afterwds.
The bearer of this is the son of mr Wilson C. Nicholas of Virginia, formerly a Senator in...
J’ai reçû le Portrait du Général Washington par Detems aprés La Lettre dont votre Excéllence m’a...
237[September 1796] (Adams Papers)
The Summer is ended and the first day of Autumn commenced. The Morning is cold tho the Wind is...
[ Annapolis, 9 May 1784 . Entry in SJL reads: “J. Key. Extract from my Cash book—additional...
Scotts light Infantry 1000—A Detachment of the same Number under Wayne & the whole Commanded by...
I Recevd you Letter with a Coppy of our Agreement —you Inform me that I am to Live this winter at...
When at Washington I took the liberty to recommend Robert Porter Esqr. of Philadelphia to your...
I have this moment received your Excellen[c]y’s polite letter of today—and have the honor to...
Letter not found: to Clement Biddle, 28 Oct. 1786. On 5 Nov. Biddle wrote GW : “I have your...
I snatch a moment to intimate that Dr. T. Ewell is under circumstances which induce him to...
I have received your favor of Apr. 19. and supposing you would wish information as to the article...
I have recd. from Mr. H. Wheaton who is engaged in a Biography of the late W. Pinkney a letter...
LS : American Philosophical Society J’ai reçu, Monsieur, la lettre que Votre Excellence m’a fait...
I have the honor to inclose you a list of the Votes in the city and county of Philadelphia from...
249[Diary entry: 2 August 1786] (Washington Papers)
Wednesday 2d. Mercury at 65 in the Morning—70 at Noon and 70 at N. Much rain had fallen in the...
The General Assembly of this State frequently receives Petitions from Soldiers who have met with...
Tengo la honra de poner en noticia de V. S. que el Exmo. Senor Dn. Pedro Cevallos me previene de...
I am directed by the Secretary of State to request that you will furnish him with an estimate of...
Copy: Library of Congress I received your favour of the 17 inst.—with the List inclosed of your...
In trying to Preform your orders to Benington Vermont about forty four miles from New York nearly...
Agreeable to your request I will give you Some few remarks on my last expedition. Having had no...
The active part which you took before your departure from Virginia, as a director of the public...
Copy: the Royal Society; partial copy: American Philosophical Society <August 12: The Committee...
Portsmouth, New Hampshire, January 25, 1791. Encloses “quarterly Accounts to the 31st. Ultimo.”...
The condescending kindnesses and proofs of your regard, with which I have been honoured by you...
We do ourselves the pleasure to enclose to your Excellency, a letter from Governor Burt, of...