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Results 211-260 of 184,431 sorted by editorial placement
211[November 1758] (Adams Papers)
Read a little in Van Muyden, and a little in naval Trade and Commerce. Rode as far as Smelt...
212Wednesday [1 November]. (Adams Papers)
Read a little in Van Muyden, and a little in naval Trade and Commerce.
213Thurdsday [2 November]. (Adams Papers)
Rode as far as Smelt Brook. Breakfasted, made my fire and am now set down to Van Muyden in...
214Sunday [5? November]. (Adams Papers)
Drank Tea at Coll. Quincy’s. He read to me a Letter Coll. Gouch wrote him in answer to his...
215Monday [6? November]. (Adams Papers)
Went to Town. Went to Mr. Gridleys office, but he had not returned to Town from Brookline. Went...
216[December 1758] (Adams Papers)
Bob Paine is conceited and pretends to more Knowledge and Genius than he has. I have heard him...
Bob Paine is conceited and pretends to more Knowledge and Genius than he has. I have heard him...
“O! there is no getting out of the mighty hand of GOD!” This Exclamation was very popular, for...
219Monday. December 18th. 1758 (Adams Papers)
I this Evening delivered to Mr. Field, a Declaration in Trespass for a Rescue. I was obliged to...
220Wednesday [20 December]. (Adams Papers)
I am this forenoon, resuming the Study of Van Muyden. I begin at the 99th Page.
221Thurdsday [21 December]. (Adams Papers)
Yesterday and to day I have read loud, Tullius 4 Orations against Cataline. The Sweetness and...
222Tuesday, 26 of December. (Adams Papers)
Being the Evening after Christmas, the Dr. and I spent the Evening with Mr. Cleverly and Major...
223Friday [29 December]. (Adams Papers)
Let me see, if Bob P aine dont pick up this Story to laugh at. Lambert will laugh no doubt, and...
224Saturday [30 December]. (Adams Papers)
How a whole Family is put into a Broil sometimes by a Trifle. My P. and M. disagreed in Opinion...
225[January 1759] (Adams Papers)
Drank Tea at Coll. Quincies. Spent the Evening there, and the next morning. In the afternoon,...
226Wednesday [January 1759]. (Adams Papers)
Drank Tea at Coll. Quincies. Spent the Evening there, and the next morning. In the afternoon,...
227Tuesday [January 1759]. (Adams Papers)
Took a ride after Dinner to Gullivers Brook in Milton, returned home. Went over to Deacon...
228[February 1759] (Adams Papers)
I intend a Journey to Worcester to morrow. How many observations shall I make on the People at...
229Feb. 1. (Adams Papers)
I intend a Journey to Worcester to morrow. How many observations shall I make on the People at...
230Feb. 2. 1759. (Adams Papers)
At Westtown, in Dr. Webbs Chamber at Hammonds. His landlady is an odd Woman. She seems good...
231Worcester Feb. 11. 1759. (Adams Papers)
I have been in this Town a Week this night. How much have I improved my Health by Exercise, or my...
232[March 1759] (Adams Papers)
Reputation ought to be the perpetual subject of my Thoughts, and Aim of my Behaviour. How shall I...
233March 14. 1759. (Adams Papers)
Reputation ought to be the perpetual subject of my Thoughts, and Aim of my Behaviour. How shall I...
234March 18 [i.e. 19?]. Monday (Adams Papers)
This whole Day is dedicated to walking, riding, talk, &c. No Reading to day. Twas Avarice, not...
235[April 1759] (Adams Papers)
Spent the Evening at Captain Bracketts. A Case was proposed and my Opinion asked, which gave me...
236Sunday. April 8th. 1759. (Adams Papers)
Spent the Evening at Captain Bracketts. A Case was proposed and my Opinion asked, which gave me...
237[Spring 1759.] (Adams Papers)
The Road is walled on each side with a Grove of Trees. The stillness, silence, and the uniformity...
238[June 1759] (Adams Papers)
Have this moment finished Woods new Institute of the Imperial or civil Law. It is a great Help in...
239June 29. 1759. (Adams Papers)
Have this moment finished Woods new Institute of the Imperial or civil Law. It is a great Help in...
240[Summer 1759.] (Adams Papers)
Mr. Wibirt . Ld. Chancellor Hardwick used at night to take off the Robes of his office and lay...
241[October 1759] (Adams Papers)
The true End, which we ought to have in View, is that praeclarum ac Singulare quiddam, which...
The true End, which we ought to have in View, is that praeclarum ac Singulare quiddam, which...
2431759. (Adams Papers)
Began Octr. 12th, in Pursuance of the foregoing Plan to transcribe from Brightlands english...
244[May 1760] (Adams Papers)
Spent the Evening at Mr. Edd. Quincy’s, with Mr. Wibird, and my Cozen Zab. Mr. Quincy told a...
245Monday May 26th 1760. (Adams Papers)
Spent the Evening at Mr. Edd. Quincy’s, with Mr. Wibird, and my Cozen Zab. Mr. Quincy told a...
246Tuesday [27 May]. (Adams Papers)
At home. Read, in Naval Trade and Commerce.
247Wednesday [28 May]. (Adams Papers)
Loitered the forenoon away upon this Question in Arithmetic. 3 men give 20 shillings for a...
2481760. May 29. Thurdsday. (Adams Papers)
Rose and breakfasted. Have done nothing yet to day, and God only knows what I shall do. The...
249May 30 1760. Friday. (Adams Papers)
Rose early. Several Country Towns, within my observation, have at least a Dozen Taverns and...
2501760 May 31th. Saturday (Adams Papers)
Read in naval Trade and Commerce, concerning Factors, Consuls, Embassadors, &c., and the South...
251[June 1760] (Adams Papers)
Read 2 Odes in Horace. Spent the Evening at the Coll’s. While we were at supper, the Coll....
252June 1st. Sunday. (Adams Papers)
Read 2 Odes in Horace. Spent the Evening at the Coll’s. While we were at supper, the Coll....
253June 2d. Monday. (Adams Papers)
Wasted the Day, with a Magazine in my Hand. As it was Artillery Election, it seemed absurd to...
254June 3rd. Tuesday. (Adams Papers)
This Day has been lost in much the same, Spiritless manner.
255June 4th. Wednesday. (Adams Papers)
Read nothing but Magazines as indeed an indisposition rendered me unfit for any Application....
256June 5th. Thurdsday. (Adams Papers)
Arose late. Feel disordered. 8 o’Clock, 3 1/2 Hours after Sun rise, is a sluggard’s rising Time....
Arose very late. A cold, rainy northeasterly storm, of several Days continuance. I have an ugly...
258Saturday. 7th. (Adams Papers)
Arose late, again. When shall I shake off the shackells of morning slumbers, and arise with the...
259Sunday, 8th. (Adams Papers)
Spent the Evening and Night at the Coll’s. in ill natured, invidious, Remarks upon Eb. Thayer,...
260Monday. 9th. (Adams Papers)
Attended Major Crosbeys Court. Where Capts. Thayer and Hollis made their Appearance. Thayer had...