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Results 211-240 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
No. Author Recipient Title Date Context
211 Shaw, Elizabeth Smith Adams, Abigail Elizabeth Smith Shaw to Abigail Adams, 5 December 1784 1784-12-05 I have not seen your Letter to Sister Cranch as yet, and cannot tell how you like your present...
212 Shaw, Elizabeth Smith Adams, Abigail Elizabeth Smith Shaw to Abigail Adams, 21–23 September … 1788-09-21 Mr Lincoln has been here for several Days past— Tomorrow he intends to return to Hingham, & has...
213 Warren, Mercy Otis Adams, Abigail Mercy Otis Warren to Abigail Adams, 21 May 1777 1777-05-21 I this day Received a few lines from my Friend, whose Long silence I have not been able to...
214 Otis, Mary Smith Gray Adams, Abigail Mary Smith Gray Otis to Abigail Adams, 23 April 1802 1802-04-23 Indolence shall no longer prevent my acknowledging, the pleasure I felt (my dear M rs Adams) from...
215 Smith, Abigail Adams Adams, Abigail Abigail Adams Smith to Abigail Adams, 5 October 1788 1788-10-05 I wrote you a hasty letter from New-York, just to acknowledge the receipt of yours, No. 5, the...
216 Tudor, William Adams, Abigail William Tudor to Abigail Adams, 3 September 1774 1774-09-03 You may depend on my giving your Letter to Capt. Marston who sets out for Philadelphia on Monday....
217 Cranch, Mary Smith Adams, Abigail Mary Smith Cranch to Abigail Adams, 14 March 1800 1800-03-14 There is a great deal of pain: taken to make mischief between you & Mr & Mrs Porter many wish for...
218 Peabody, Elizabeth Smith Shaw Adams, Abigail Elizabeth Smith Shaw Peabody to Abigail Adams, 29 July … 1797-07-29 Your kind Letter which assured me of your welfare was a cordial to my heart. It came safe to...
219 Adams, John Adams, Abigail John Adams to Abigail Adams, 10 February 1777 1777-02-10 Yesterday, I took a long Walk with our Secretary Mr. Thompson to a Place called Fells Point, a...
220 Bishop, John Adams, Abigail John Bishop to Abigail Adams, 16 October 1780 1780-10-16 I received yours of the 14th. ultmo., should not have defer’d answering it so long had I been...
221 Adams, John Adams, Abigail John Adams to Abigail Adams, 15 November 1800 1800-11-15 I rec d last night your Letter of the 11 th. Your Girls and M r shipley arrived in good health...
222 Washington, Martha Adams, Abigail Martha Washington to Abigail Adams, 4 September 1791 1791-09-04 Your frindly letter of the 29 th of June —I should not have suffered to remain so long...
223 Lovell, James Adams, Abigail James Lovell to Abigail Adams, 11 August 1779 1779-08-11 This Evening I have satisfactory Intelligence of the real Embarkation of your very dear Treasure...
224 Cranch, Mary Smith Adams, Abigail Mary Smith Cranch to Abigail Adams, 13 June 1797 1797-06-13 I had a mantua makaker & a Tailor last week which keept me so fully imploy’d that I had not time...
225 Adams, John Adams, Abigail John Adams to Abigail Adams, 6 September 1776 1776-09-06 This day, I think, has been the most remarkable of all. Sullivan came here from Lord Howe, five...
226 Shaw, William Smith Adams, Abigail William Smith Shaw to Abigail Adams, October 1801 1801-10-01 Some time since Andrew Foster, a relation of Mrs. Otis, applied to Mr. Otis for admission as...
227 Adams, John Adams, Abigail John Adams to Abigail Adams, 27 February 1783 1783-02-27 I read in a great Writer, Montesquieu that “l’honneur, en imposant la loi de servir, veut en être...
228 Cranch, Mary Smith Adams, Abigail Mary Smith Cranch to Abigail Adams, 29 April 1798 1798-04-29 I am doom’d my dear Sister to be the messenger of death to you. I believe for five weeks past my...
229 Adams, John Adams, Abigail John Adams to Abigail Adams, 19 August 1777 1777-08-19 The Weather still continues cloudy and cool and the Wind Easterly. Howe’s Fleet and Army is still...
230 McHenry, Margaret Allison Caldwell Adams, Abigail Margaret Allison Caldwell McHenry to Abigail Adams, 8 … 1798-10-08 It was with the greatest concern I heard of your late illness, since which time I have felt very...
231 Cranch, Mary Smith Adams, Abigail Mary Smith Cranch to Abigail Adams, 29 June 1787 1787-06-29 I have sent one Letter on Board capt Cushing but it is so long since that unless I Write again...
232 Adams, John Adams, Abigail John Adams to Abigail Adams, 16 September 1776 1776-09-16 The Postmaster at N. York, in a Panick, about a fortnight ago fled to Dobbs’s Ferry, about 30...
233 Thaxter, John Adams, Abigail John Thaxter to Abigail Adams, 28 March 1783 1783-03-28 Peace seems to have closed all Communication with America. ’Tis a very long time since any...
234 Adams, John Adams, Abigail John Adams to Abigail Adams, 23 August 1777 1777-08-23 It is now no longer a Secret, where Mr. Hows Fleet is. We have authentic Intelligence that it is...
235 Cranch, Mary Smith Adams, Abigail Mary Smith Cranch to Abigail Adams, 3 October 1784 1784-10-03 Accept my dear Sister a thousand thanks for your charming Journal, it is just Such an one as I...
236 Adams, John Adams, Abigail John Adams to Abigail Adams, 22 March 1797 1797-03-22 Last night for the first time I slept in our new House.— But what a Scene! The Furniture...
237 Storer, Charles Adams, Abigail Charles Storer to Abigail Adams, 12 September 1786 1786-09-12 So I see by the papers that Amelia has become Mrs: Smith , and this the 12th. of June. The news...
238 Adams, John Adams, Abigail John Adams to Abigail Adams, 28 July 1775 1775-07-28 Your two last Letters had very different Effects. The long one gave me vast Satisfaction. It was...
239 Copley, Susanna Clarke Adams, Abigail Susanna Clarke Copley to Abigail Adams, 20 August 1800 1800-08-20 I take the liberty of addressing a few lines to you, knowing from the Friendship with which you...
240 Lovell, James Adams, Abigail James Lovell to Abigail Adams, 9 October 1781 1781-10-09 Yesterday’s Post brought me your Favour of Sepr. 26th. Your dear Boy Charles should most...