Results 21091-21120 of 184,431 sorted by editorial placement
I take the liberty, of putting into your hands, the inclosed essay, under the signature of...
I Most Heartily thank You for Your Affectionate Letter of Last october which I Have received only...
You have much better advisers than I can be—but I will venture suggest one line. As Nature will...
Watchman! what of the night!? Is darkness that may be felt to prevail over the whole world? Or...
I have received with great pleasure your kind letter of the 6th: inst with your discourse before...
I herewith send you a copy of “ Inside Out ,” a work lately published in this City, for the...
Your letter of Aug. 15. was recieved in due time, and with the welcome of every thing which comes...
The writer of Marathon most respectfully encloses the first number to Mr Adams, with a sincere...
I thank you for your letter of the 12th I am extremely sorry to hear that Genll Miller has lost...
With much pleasure I have heard read the sure words of prophecy in your letter of Sep— 4th. It is...
you will be surprised at receiving this Letter. But I hope you will pardon the curiosity of...
I am confident you will not take it amiss—if, once more, I address you with a few lines, less so,...
I have received your kind letter of the 20 inst & should be glad to give you any information in...
I do not write with the ease which your letter of Sep. 18. supposes. crippled wrists and fingers...
Various causes, connected with the absence & illness of Revd Mr Fay of the old church, have...
Having not the honor of a personal acquaintance, you will pardon the liberty we take in thus...
Your last letter was brought to me from the Post office when at breakfast with my family. I bade...
Althoug it was not in my power to assist, under your roof, at the celebration of your 88th...
Once more I must give you my cordial thanks for this proof of your remembrance—not, that I...
With real pleasure I received your kind letter of July 28th. though I received it but a few days...
Knowing the interest you take in every improvement of a national character however humble the...
“Where Adams from a noisy world withdrew Sick of Glory faction, power & pride Sure judge how...
I send you a copy of my Table of the of the Otis Family, agreeably to your request. I have...
I forward you, by this day’s mail, a small volume which I have compiled, intended for the use of...
I am under great obligation to you for the Presidents message, & for the Documents of the War...
I have received your circular of the 12 inst & I thank you for the honour you have done me in...
I return your letter at your request signified by Gen. Dearborn though it has been such a cordial...
For some time past I have devoted my leisure moments to the task of collecting writings relating...
The inclosed small volume and map, relate to a subject in which you took an early and...
I thank you for your letter of 13th. And as I Applaud very much your occupation, I should be...