Results 21091-21120 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
The Committee of Privileges and Elections have, according to Order, had under their consideration...
The Bearer of this a Private in Colo. Rawlins’s Regiment made his escape from the Enemy in New...
Yours of the 26th overtook me a few Miles from this place where I arrived this day at Noon. The...
I this morning received your favor of the 26th: Your Letters to Governor Trumbull for a...
Agreeable to the directions of the Committee of Safety of this state, I do myself the honor to...
I am to acknowledge the Rect of your Favors of the 18th 19th and 23d Instant, which, from the...
I have been honoured with your favor of the 26th and with its Inclosures, by which I perceive the...
I receiv’d yours last night dated the 27th from Newark—You complain of my not being in motion...
I have the pleasure and honor of acknowledging the Rect of yours of the 27th. Genl Williamson...
The inclosed was put into my hands by an Express from the White Plains. Having no Idea of its...
By express last Ev’g from General Heath I received an Extract of a Letter from head Quarters to...
I am now to acknowlege the Rect of your several favors of 6th 7th 10th & 17th instant & for the...
Letter not found: to Brig. Gen. Matthias Williamson, 30 Nov. 1776. In his letter to William...
Whereas it is represented by many of the Inhabitants of this Country who dissent from the Church...
MS and copy: Library of Congress Dr. Small has not appeared in this series since 1772. By then he...
AD : Historical Society of Pennsylvania After Franklin reached Paris he received a number of...
Letter not found: to Maj. Gen. Charles Lee. Lee wrote in his second letter to GW of 8 Dec. :...
It is A Long time since I had the Happiness of hearing from my Braintree Friends. Dos my dear...
I yesterday had the Honor of writing you and to advise of our arrival here. I am now to inform...
In a little time after I wrote you this Evening, the Enemy appeared in several parties on the...
Your Favour of the 30th Novr was duely received; in Consequence of which, as the Contents were of...
I am to acknowledge the honor of your favor of the 11th ulto and to thank you for your polite...
You are to proceed to The Two ferry’s near Trentown and to see all the boats there put in the...
The Enemy are advanci[n]g & have got as far as Woodbridge and Amboy, and from information not to...
I wrote to you yesterday, but as from every Information of the Motions of the Enemy, their Intent...
I arrived here this morning with our Troops between Eight and Nine oClock, when I received the...
I have to acknowledge the Receipt of yours of the 29th Ultimo—and am glad to hear of your...
Portsmouth [N.H.] 2 December 1776 . Sends GW “about Sixty thousand flints” by order of the...
Letter not found: to Maj. Gen. Charles Lee, 2 Dec. 1776. GW wrote Lee on 3 Dec. : “Having wrote...
S ir —Agreeable to the directions of the Committee of Safety, I do myself the honour to send your...