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Results 21031-21080 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
No. Author Recipient Title Date Context
21031 Ingenhousz, Jan Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from Jan Ingenhousz, 15 November … 1776-11-15 ALS : American Philosophical Society; duplicate: Staatsbibliothek Preussischer Kulturbesitz, West...
21032 Wayne, Anthony Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from Anthony Wayne, 15 November … 1776-11-15 ALS : Historical Society of Pennsylvania Yesterday An express Arrived here from Albany giving...
21033 Washington, George Board of War From George Washington to the Board of War, 15 November … 1776-11-15 On Wednesday evening I received the favor of your Letter of the 8th Instt; in consequence of...
21034 Washington, George Board of War From George Washington to the Board of War, 15 November … 1776-11-15 Having given my promise to Genl Howe on his application, that Peter Jack, a Servant of Major...
21035 Greene, Nathanael Washington, George To George Washington from Major General Nathanael … 1776-11-15 Inclosd you have a letter from Col. Magaw —the contents will require your Excellencys...
21036 Washington, George Lee, Charles From George Washington to Major Generals Charles Lee … 1776-11-16 You will perceive by the inclosed Resolves, that Congress have entered into some New regulations...
21037 Washington, George Hancock, John From George Washington to John Hancock, 16 November … 1776-11-16 Since I had the Honor of addressing you last, an important Event has taken place; of which I wish...
21038 Hancock, John Washington, George To George Washington from John Hancock, 16 November … 1776-11-16 Since my last Nothing material has occurred here, nor have I any Thing in Charge from Congress,...
21039 Washington, George New York Convention From George Washington to the New York Convention, 16 … 1776-11-16 I do myself the ⟨honor to transmit⟩ to you, a Copy of Sundry Resolves ⟨of Congress which⟩ came to...
21040 Palfrey, William Washington, George To George Washington from Lieutenant Colonel William … 1776-11-17 I would beg leave to acquaint you that agreeable to your Orders I have fix’d my Office at this...
21041 Washington, George Trumbull, Jonathan Sr. From George Washington to Jonathan Trumbull, Sr., 17 … 1776-11-17 With much concern I beg leave to inform you of an unfortunate event that has taken place....
21042 Board of War Washington, George To George Washington from the Board of War, 18 November … 1776-11-18 The Hancock and Adams, loaded from France with military Stores and other Articles for the Use of...
21043 Greene, Nathanael Washington, George To George Washington from Major General Nathanael … 1776-11-18 The much greater part of the Enimy march’t off from Fort Washington and above Kings Bridge this...
21044 Heath, William Washington, George To George Washington from Major General William Heath … 1776-11-18 On the 12th Inst. I called a Council to consider & determine upon the Posts most important &...
21045 Washington, George Palfrey, William From George Washington to Lieutenant Colonel William … 1776-11-18 I just now received the favor of your Letter of the 17th. I confess, I did not expect that any...
21046 Wythe, George Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from George Wythe, 18 November 1776 1776-11-18 Whenever you and the speaker think I should return to Virginia to engage in the part which shall...
21047 Washington, George Hancock, John From George Washington to John Hancock, 19–21 November … 1776-11-19 I have not been yet able to obtain a particular account of the unhappy affair of the 16th, nor of...
21048 Lee, Charles Washington, George To George Washington from Major General Charles Lee, 19 … 1776-11-19 The recommendation of General Green which you transmited to me threw the Officers to whom I...
21049 Peters, Richard Washington, George To George Washington from Richard Peters, 19 November … 1776-11-19 I am directed by the Board of War to inform your Excellency that they have given Orders for the...
21050 Putnam, Rufus Washington, George To George Washington from Colonel Rufus Putnam, 19 … 1776-11-19 Sence your Exelency left this place I have Ben to Antonies Nose & I Beleve there is no danger of...
21051 Jay, John Morris, Robert From John Jay to Robert Morris, 19 November 1776 1776-11-19 The late unfortunate Miscarriage of General Washingtons Letters to the Congress makes me anxious...
21052 Jefferson, Thomas IV. List of Acts of Parliament and of Virginia … 1776-11-19 1661. c.1. Church to be built or [chap]el of ease. c.2. Vestries appointed. c.3. Ministers to be...
21053 Lee, Charles Washington, George To George Washington from Maj. Gen. Charles Lee, 20 … 1776-11-20 Letter not found: from Maj. Gen. Charles Lee, 20 Nov. 1776. GW wrote Lee on 24 Nov. : “I have...
21054 Washington, Lund Washington, George To George Washington from Lund Washington, 20 November … 1776-11-20 Letter not found: from Lund Washington, 20 Nov. 1776. In his letter to Lund Washington of 10–17...
21055 Washington, George Washington, Samuel From George Washington to Samuel Washington, 20 … 1776-11-20 Letter not found: to Samuel Washington, c.20 Nov. 1776. In his letter to Samuel Washington of 18...
21056 Trumbull, John Adams, John To John Adams from John Trumbull, 21 November 1776 1776-11-21 Since I had the pleasure of seeing You last, I have conversed with my Father on the plan you...
21057 Washington, George Atlee, Samuel John From George Washington to Colonel Samuel John Atlee, 21 … 1776-11-21 I am favoured with yours of the 9th Instant. I can so well conceive the Desire that persons in...
21058 Hancock, John Washington, George To George Washington from John Hancock, 21 November … 1776-11-21 I have the Honour to transmit the enclosed Resolves, in Obedience to the Commands of Congress....
21059 Washington, George Lee, Charles From George Washington to Major General Charles Lee, 21 … 1776-11-21 It must be painful to you as well as to us to have no News to send you but of a melancholy...
21060 Washington, George Livingston, William From George Washington to William Livingston, 21 … 1776-11-21 I have this Moment arrived at this place with Genl Beals and Genl Heards Brigades from Maryland...
21061 Washington, George Hancock, John From George Washington to John Hancock, 23 November … 1776-11-23 I have not yet heard that any Provision is making to supply the place of the Troops composing the...
21062 Washington, George Livingston, William From George Washington to William Livingston, 23 … 1776-11-23 ⟨The⟩ Critical Situation of our Affairs ⟨and the move⟩ments of the Enemy make some ⟨further &...
21063 New York Committee of Safety Washington, George To George Washington from the New York Committee of … 1776-11-23 The Committee of safety have the Honor of your Excellency’s Letter of the 16th Instant which was...
21064 Pennsylvania Council of Safety Washington, George To George Washington from the Pennsylvania Council of … 1776-11-23 The uncertain intelligence which we have received respecting the movements of General Howe’s...
21065 Peters, Richard Washington, George To George Washington from Richard Peters, 23 November … 1776-11-23 I am directed by the Board of War to acquaint your Excellency that agreeable to your Request...
21066 Washington, George Forman, David Orders to Colonel David Forman, 24 November 1776 1776-11-24 Having received Information that there is danger of an Insurrection of Tories in the County of...
21067 Hancock, John Washington, George To George Washington from John Hancock, 24 November … 1776-11-24 You will percieve from the enclosed Resolves, the Steps which Congress have thought proper to...
21068 Heath, William Washington, George To George Washington from Major General William Heath … 1776-11-24 I some Days Since Presented to your Excellency The Disposition of the Troops at this Post. I have...
21069 Washington, George Lee, Charles From George Washington to Major General Charles Lee, 24 … 1776-11-24 By the negligent and infamous conduct of the post rider, the Eastern Mail of Friday was brought...
21070 Washington, George Lee, Charles From George Washington to Major General Charles Lee, 24 … 1776-11-24 I wrote you this morning of the probability, that some of your letters, to me, had fall’n with...
21071 Lee, Charles Washington, George To George Washington from Major General Charles Lee, 24 … 1776-11-24 I have received your Orders and shall endeavour to put ’em in execution, but question much...
21072 Washington, George Mifflin, Thomas From George Washington to Brig. Gen. Thomas Mifflin, 24 … 1776-11-24 Letter not found: to Brig. Gen. Thomas Mifflin, 24 Nov. 1776. On 26 Nov. Mifflin wrote to GW :...
21073 Rutledge, Edward Jay, John To John Jay from Edward Rutledge, 24 November 1776 1776-11-24 I expected long e’er this to have been seat’d quietly at Home; but the Progress which the Enemy...
21074 Washington, George Miles, Samuel From George Washington to Colonel Samuel Miles, 25 … 1776-11-25 I lately had the pleasure of a Letter from you, but I am unable to answer it as particularly as I...
21075 Jefferson, Thomas I. Bill for Establishing a Court of Appeals, [25 … 1776-11-25 For establishing a court of Appeals for finally determining all suits and controversies, be it...
21076 Jefferson, Thomas II. Bill for Establishing a High Court of Chancery, [25 … 1776-11-25 For establishing a Court of general Jurisdiction in Chancery, Be it enacted by the General...
21077 Jefferson, Thomas III. Bill for Establishing a General Court, [25 … 1776-11-25 For establishing a Court of Common Law of general jurisdiction for the more speedy and easy...
21078 Hancock, John Washington, George To George Washington from John Hancock, 26 November … 1776-11-26 In Consequence of your Dispatches by Genl Mifflin, who arrived here on Sunday Evening, the...
21079 Heath, William Washington, George To George Washington from Major General William Heath … 1776-11-26 I have to acknowledge the Honor of the receipt of yours of the 24th Instant[.] I do not recollect...
21080 Lee, Charles Washington, George To George Washington from Major General Charles Lee, 26 … 1776-11-26 It never was my idea to leave the Highlands unguarded but only for expedition sake that Heath...