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Results 2101-2150 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
The with in I prepared with design to forward by your Son on his return from Barnstable Court,...
In the utmost haste my dear Mother I write you a few lines merely to assure you of the health of...
With pleasure I congratulate My Dear Brothers & Sister, upon the agreeable prospect they have of...
The political Condition of the World, not only engrosses all our thoughts, but absorbs all our...
Your kind letter of the 17th: instt:—together with that of my brother dated the day before has...
I know you will rejoice with me that Mrs. Cranch is again the mother of a daughter. This event...
It was with heart felt sorrow my Dear Friend that I learnt by your kind & affectionate letter how...
And her only child! my Dear Madam from her heart thanks you, for the kind consoling letter,...
I have hardly been able to reconcile it to my own conscience for some weeks that so much time had...
Often as it has been my fortune in the course of my life, to be parted from my Parents, and...
R. Rush has the honor to present his most respectful compliments to Mrs Adams, and to thank her...
The excellent Sermon you sent, me was indeed “a cordial to my Heart—” I thank Mr Whitney for the...
I have enclosed to the Pres. an Oxford paper printed 30 miles south of us, containing my answer...
I am ashamed to find upon my file of Letters to be answered , one from you of 29. January;...
Mrs Smith has been several days much incommoded by the Rheumatism and has deputed me to answer...
I wrote you on the last day of the old year, Old-Style, and sent my letter under cover to Mr:...
I scarcely know whether it is most proper for me to appologize for my long silence, or for...
We were blessed with fine weather & roads from Providence to Phila., where we staid a fortnight;...
Your kind Letters of 12 and 17. March, the latter enclosing one (copy) from Mr H. G. Otis to my...
I had the pleasure to receive your kind and friendly letter yesterday, and hasten to inform you,...
Though I have received no reply to my last, I interrupt Mrs. Adams again on a subject that lays...
A Month has very nearly past away, since I wrote you last—It was a very short Letter, and...
Last week I enclosed several numbers of Cobbett’s Register, as they are republished in open...
I hope my Dear Sister, will excuse all my bad writing, & every inaccuracy which weekly presents...
I do not exactly recollect the date of my last Letter to you; but if it went safely you must have...
Your kind Letters of Feb. 15th & March 31st lie before me, in which I find are several things...
The first page of the enclosed Press-Copy of my last Letter is so faint that unless you should...
I have not received a line from the United States, public or private since I wrote you last—That...
Again I owe an increase of my happiness in my Solitude to your kindness in honouring me with your...
I received with joy your letter of the eighteenth a few days since as I had suffer’d considerable...
23d. received a note from Mrs. Monroe requiring my attendance at 1 oclock I went according to...
I have been so occupied in writing for Mr. Adams ever since his indisposition that I have really...
I will without delay thank you for the ind letter of the 5th, which was not received till...
I did not need your last token of love to remind me of my duty to one who is unwearied in...
I dined yesterday at the French Ambassadors, at a diplomatic dinner of about sixty persons in the...
As the time is approaching for the departure of Mr Gallatin and Mr Bayard, and as the Month and...
A token of Love & Friendship .—What can be more acceptable to a mind of Sensibility?— Your every...
Accept my thanks for your last favor, and the congratulations of myself and family on the return...
The day after I sent my last letter to you I received your interesting communication, most...
We have this morning recieved your kind letter my dear Mother and I hasten to write you a few...
It is long since I wrote you in consequence of a very severe indisposition which confined me to...
Enclosed I send you a letter from my dear Caroline mentioning that my dear Mrs: Smith is getting...
My best thanks are due to you my dear Madam for the letter enclosing a Discourse delivered at the...
Daily and incessant engagements for the last five weeks at the supreme court of the...
I scarcely know when was the last time that I wrote to my Dear Sister, but this I can fully...
Received of Abigail Adams in trust for my sister Abbe A Shaw thirty four dollars, which with...
As I am not yet enabled to write the threatened long Letter to my father, I must replace it by...
At Mr: Fishwick’s School, where I am, there are sixteen boys besides myself, and besides his two...
To tell you that I am exceedingly grieved , to hear that you have been very sick, would be to...
After so long a silence my dear mother I scarcely know how to address you without troubling you...