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Results 2101-2150 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
§ From George Joy. 9 January 1816, New England Coffee House London. “I have just heard of an...
2102[Diary entry: 29 June 1785] (Washington Papers)
Wednesday 29th. Mercury at 69 in the Morning—74 at Noon And 76 at Night. Clear & pleasant all day...
In answer to your Letter of yesterday I readily agree that the board of my two Sons residing with...
2104General Orders, 16 July 1775 (Washington Papers)
The Continental Congress having earnestly recommended, that “Thursday next the 20th Instant, be...
I received your letter of the 15 th of July by my servant messenger. Circumstanced as you were...
To extend the approbation of the good and wise, I always Considered as the most delicious reward,...
I have been later in acknoleging the receipt of your letter of the 16th. December, because...
Inclosed is a petition of Robert Watson for a pardon which I refer to you for your consideration...
I ought to have thanked you for your kind Letter, which gave me both pleasure and consolation,...
2110[Diary entry: 15 September 1771] (Washington Papers)
15. Set of home. Din’d in Dumfries and got up by Sun set.
I have the honor to request your Signature to the enclosed Warrant as Midshipman for Mr. Gamble ....
By yesterdays mail, I sent you copies of a corrispondence, which had taken place between the Coms...
Altho I have not the honor to be personally known to your Excellency, yet the circumstances which...
I am directed by the President of the United States to send you the enclosed letter from General...
Being indebted to the representatives of your predecessor 34.30 D for duties & disbursements on...
It is not to me to Shew to Congress, the Great Advantages it would result to America, by a Peace...
Forced to meander on my ride home to close as far as I could the various matters which I...
2118[Diary entry: 30 May 1799] (Washington Papers)
30. Morning clear—Wind Southerly and Mer. at 64. Great appearances of Rain all the forenoon & a...
I had the honour of addressing you on the 11th. of the last month by young Mr. Adams who sailed...
I have a rich Budget to send you by the next Ship. I have no time to prepare it by the Milo. I...
When you did me the honour to mention, the other day, the doubts you entertained concerning the...
2122[Diary entry: 12 July 1790] (Washington Papers)
Monday 12th. Exercised on Horse back between 5 & 6 in the Morning. Sat for Mr. Trumbull from 9...
To the objects His Excellency General Washington proposed on the 16th inst: to the Consideration...
since writing you a few lines on the 3d instant, I have received your letter of the 28th of last...
2125[Diary entry: 20 February 1775] (Washington Papers)
20. Clear & very warm with but little wind & that Southerly.
I am honoured with yours of the 11 th. with the enclosures from M r Lamb, M r Carmichael and M r...
Although my health is very indifferent, and my eyes soo weak and dim, that within a fortnight, I...
I have taken into consideration your letter of the 15th of last month, and I approve of the...
As you were pleased to say to our Senior, at the interview he had the honor to have with you on...
I inclose to you the decent Fashion in which we it was yesterday opinioned to let the World know...
I have to acknowledge yours of the 4th Inst. and two subsequent, inclosing public documents and...
Eternity! When Death Brings us thore, who will be on the Safe Side, the Christian; or he that...
I have now the happiness of presenting to you another daughter, worthy as I fully believe of...
2134[Diary entry: 12 December 1771] (Washington Papers)
12. The foregoing Gentlemen still here.
I am directed by the Commander in Chief to acknowledge the recit of your Letter of the 12th. It...
I have had repeated conferences with the honl. the Secretaries, heads of departments aiding the...
I had the honor of writing you on the 18th. of October and again on the 25th. of the same month....
Having received at length the leave of absence which I had asked, I wait now only for a vessel...
A few days after the receipt of your favor covering letters for the Supervizor of Vermont and Mr...
Your favor of Apr. 12. came to hand on the 23 d instant. withdrawn by the effect of age, from the...
I have received your Excellencys directions about returning the horses and boats which have been...
In compliance with the request of D r Barton , I have caused to be inserted in the Nat. Intel r...
2143[Diary entry: 21 November 1798] (Washington Papers)
21. Dined at Majr. Reeds—Senator’s. Jacob Read (1752–1816) was a Federalist United States senator...
Your favor of the 10 th was not recieved till the instant, and I regret that it is not in my...
It is uncertain whether this Letter will ever come to your Hands. two or three others are now on...
2146General Orders, 9 February 1777 (Washington Papers)
The General Court Martial held at Chatham, the 8th Inst: whereof Brigadier General St Clair was...
In due course of Post I have received your Letters of the 5th and 8th instant. & thank you for...
Being in very straitened & frequently distressing Circumstances after having been denied & evaded...
Since I closed my letter of this day, Mr Madison has enclosed to me the within recommendation for...
Some time ago I collected as far as was in my power, the facts relative to the great Hurricane...