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A private opportunity offering by way of Hamburgh to write to you, I eagerly embrace it, and hope it may reach you safely notwithstanding the various Chances it may run. your arrival at Berlin was made known to us from your Letters to the secretary of state of Nov’ br the 10th and 17 th . no private Letter has yet been received, nor the publick Letter which you mention having written from...
I find by this days Orders your Excellency has directed a Board to meet in Order to Examine the Shoes in Store, as the Clothier General Concieves Himself Injur’d by the report of Inspection. The Cause for such a reports being made; was from the Almost Universal Complaints of the Officers respecting the Shoes they have receiv’d for this Year, And the bad Appearance, & Short last of those then...
When I saw Genl. Moses Green last he requested me to write you and inform you that if there was a vacancy of a regimental command in the Army it would give him great pleasure to fill it if he could be thought worthy of it. He would sooner have made known his wishes had he known that there certainly would have been war, but holding the office of adjutant-general in the State, which yeilds some...
I have duly recieved, my dear friend and General, your letter of the 1 st from Philada, giving us the welcome assurance that you will visit the neighborhood which, during the march of our enemy near it, was covered by your shield from his robberies and ravages. in passing the line of your former march you will experience pleasing recollections of the good you have done. my neighbors too of our...
Yours of June 23d. have received. I believe there is no Danger of an Invasion your Way, but the Designs of the Enemy are uncertain and their Motions a little misterious. Before this Letter is sealed, which will not be till Sunday next, I hope I shall be able to inform you better. I rejoice at your fine Season, and still more at my Brother Cranches Attention to Husbandry. Am very glad he bought...
Th: Jeffe r son asks the favor of mr H u ntington to dine with hi m on Sunday ensuing. RC ( DNDAR ); dateline at foot of text; damaged at crease. Not recorded in SJL . William Huntington (b. ca. 1794), merchant, educator, and Episcopal lay preacher, was a native of Connecticut who moved to
Your note of the 5th. instant accompanying the information given to you by G.—— M.—— on the 4th. of March, came safe on friday. The letter he refers to, as having been written to me, is not yet received; but others from Mr. Monroe of similar complexion, and almost of as imperious a tone from that government, have got to hand. That justice & policy should dictate the measures with which we are...
Col. Bentley, in his letter of the twentieth of October, strongly recommends Reuben Beale and Samuel Simmons as Cadets in his regiment, and I would advise that they be immediately appointed— With perfect respect I am ( Df , in the handwriting of Thomas Y. How, Hamilton Papers, Library of Congress).
29[Diary entry: 15 August 1767] (Washington Papers)
15. Finishd sowing the 39 Inch Cut of Corn in the Neck with 44½ Bushl. Wheat. Finishd sowing that half of Muddy hole Corn field with Wheat round the Barn Bushel.
Your favor of the 10 th came to my hands the last night only, and I hasten to reply to it, being anxious to change my position from that of an obstacle, to a promoter of the object of the Directors . if I know myself, I wish nothing unjust, and I am more certain that the Directors do not, because they have no personal interest to blind them. if we have not the same opinions, it is because we...
I am Sorry to give you the trouble of this Commission: but I fear it will not be effectually done but by you—and therefore let me beg the favour of you to send for M r de La Blancherie and withdraw my Subscription to the Society of whose affairs he has the direction, and put a stop to his sending me the Nouvelles de la Republique des Lettres et Des Arts.— he persuaded me at the Hague to...
In settling some business with M r Garrett to day I find (for the first time I have known it) $200— paid to M r Giacomo Raggi which is that am t more than he should have recieved—- In your statement (to M r Garrett) of M r Appletons acc t May 8 h 1822. You state it thus Proceeds of former remittance $1239 .00 to be paid to Giacomo Raggi 200
I believe Kitty Livingston has availed herself of this good Conveyance by Matthew Ridley Esq r . to write you very fully & of course she will have told you all the news both Domestick & Political— M rs . Morris has also written to M rs Jay & no doubt assures her of that Esteem & affection in which she holds both her and you. I need not tell you how Sincerely I join her in those Sentiments. You...
The Barer, Capt: John Whitney, is a Gentleman who Served in the late Continental Army with Good Reputation; is now out of Business, and wishes to be imploy’d in Some Service under your Excellency Control—He is a Gentleman with Whom I have an Acquantence, and is a Person of Good Sence; the utmost Confidence may with Safety be Placed in his Conduct and engagements. I am with the highest...
I Beg lave once more to adress yaur Exilency as the Onley and last means that I have for my life in my Latir to you By Mr. wodward I mentioned that Judge keltey and Cranch was willing to have my life Saved But Since there has Been a politicle partey that has Ecused Me with faulls Storeys in the washinton feaderelist I Bleive That Induced the Judges to not Concent to my Pardon I Bleive the...
3627th. (Adams Papers)
No reciting this morning. I was employed all day in studying mathematics, which are the most pleasing to me, of any of our studies. Spent, a couple of hours at Bridge’s chamber after dinner. Rain in the Evening.
To the Speaker & House of Representatives of the territory of Orleans The expressions by which the Representatives of the territory of Orleans, in their address of the 14th. of Nov. are pleased to convey their sense of my public conduct, are gratefully recieved by me, & placed among those testimonies which will constitute the happiness of my future life. the first reward we can recieve for...
38[Diary entry: 23 May 1797] (Washington Papers)
23. Wind Easterly & rather Cool.
I have this day paid to Col. Pickering (Mr Wolcott being absent) Seventeen hundred dollars to be given to you as part of the instalment due on Matthew Ritchie’s bond. I had reason to expect to be able to pay the whole while here and as Mrs Addison wrote me that since I left home your letter requiring the payment had been received I was peculiarly anxious for a compleat compliance. I have...
Letter not found: from Robert Cary & Co., 10 Aug. 1762. On 26 April 1763 GW wrote to Robert Cary & Co. : “I have your favours of the 10th and 24th of August . . . now lying before me.”
Your favor from Fredericksburg came safe to hand. I inclose you the extract of a letter I recieved from Mr. R. now in Richmond. Tho you will have been informed of the facts before this reaches you, yet you will see more of the subject by having different views of it presented to you. Though Marshall will be able to embarras the Republican party in the assembly a good deal, yet upon the whole,...
The Subscribers Citizens of the United States residing in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts beg leave Most respectfully to represent That during the present War they have been captured on the high seas by the forces of the enemy while your petitioners were employed on services useful to their country either on board Merchantmen or private armed vessels of war and after being carried into...
In a postscript (dated 8th. Inst.) of my dispatch No. 54, I communicated to you copy of a note dated the 7th., at the moment received from Mr. Cevallos, and containing the protest of this government against a negotiation which it apprehends to be on foot between the french Minister at Washington and our government, relative to the Floridas. I presume this to be a report excited by those who...
My last letters to you have been of the 13th. and 20th. of Nov. since which I have recieved yours of Sep. 19. We are anxious to hear that the person substituted in the place of the one deceased is gone on that business.—You do not mention your prospect of finding for the mint the officers we were desirous of procuring. On this subject I will add to what was before mentioned to you, that if you...
The Federal Convention plunged into its momentous assignment without great delay chiefly because a prepared outline for a new government was ready for the delegates’ consideration—the so-called Virginia Plan. JM never claimed to be the author of this plan, but his guiding influence in the Virginia caucus, which drafted the resolutions, is beyond dispute. Some weeks before the delegates...
On observing to several friends in Congress (who are in favour of a renewal of the Charter to the Bank U S & on the terms They have offerd to Congress as they are expressed in the report through a committee Published this day in the National intelligencer) That a much better plan could be carried into effect with or without the junction with the Old Bank , I was called on for a Sketch of a...
47[Diary entry: 13 February 1773] (Washington Papers)
13. Still at home. Mr. Dulany & Mr. Custis went to Mrs. Frenchs after Breakfast. The two young men undoubtedly went to visit young Daniel Dulany’s brother Ben and his new bride.
I have collected and reviewed the Papers relating to Mr. Prioleaus Petition. If you persist in your request, those which came from you will be returned to you; but as I shall certainly report on the case at the next session of Congress, which is the course the business must have—I wish to retain them ’till that is done. The claim appears to be of a nature, that I should reluctantly feel myself...
I have the honor to forward to you a letter, covering a certificate of the election of Nicholas Vandyke Esqr., as a Representative in Congress for the State of Delaware, transmitted to this Department by order of the Governor of that State. I am &c. DNA : RG 59—DL—Domestic Letters.
Your letter of the tenth of July has been delivered to me. I have given full information to Cl. Bentley on the subject of your enquiry, with instructions directions on t as to the course to be pursued. With much great consideration I am, Sir &c: &c: ( Df , in the handwriting of Thomas Y. How, Hamilton Papers, Library of Congress).
New York, November 30, 1787. On this date at the annual assembly of the St. Andrew’s Society of New York State, Hamilton and five other men were elected managers of the Society for 1788. The [New York] Independent Journal: or, the General Advertiser , December 1, 1787.
Your letter of yesterday came duly to hand. I am aware of the difficulties there would be in the way of surprising the enemy, and I approve the caution you discover. Nothing (as I before intimated ) will at present warrant the attempt, but a moral certainty that they are much off their guard, whic⟨h⟩ by your information does not appear to be the case. If there is only a subalterns party at...
on the forth of February I rote you Respecting some ornaments for a Frize and Incloasd a Letter to Cpt. Andrews under cover to you which am fearful has bin miscarried: the drawing of one of the modillions which I incloasd to you was for to now of Cpt. Andrews what would be the cost of composition for each Modillion: The agreement with Mr. Hudson and my self was, that he should furnish his...
Count de Montauto Governor of this City has informed me of the Commissioners having made propositions to the Court of Tuscany respecting a Treaty of Commerce between this Country and America: The Governor requests me to inform the Commissioners, that he has lately received instructions from the Grand Duke relative thereto, which leaves him no doubt but a commercial Treaty may be formed to the...
I enclose you some lines which were written very hastily yesterday morning immediately after receiving the news of the death of poor Florida Pope after nine months of severe suffering—She was beautiful and a child of the fairest promise and there is some thing remarkable in the serenity and sweetness which closed her dying moments—She was calm collected and happy and distributed her little...
I am honor’d with your kind Favor of 28th Ulto, which I only receiv’d by last sundays Post —it gives me the most pleasing satisfaction to find, that those who were endeavoring to Injure you in the Public Esteem, are become sensible of their own insignificance & earnestly hope they may feel the contempt & Scorn of all good men in proportion to the Iniquitous Scheme which they expected to...
You have very much gratified me by the collection of choice fruit trees you have been so good as to forward on. it is gone on to Monticello to which place I shall follow it in a few days. thither also I am withdrawing all my views as a place of rest from the labors & contentions of public life which I must turn over to younger hands. sincerely do I pray for a coalition between the two...
Malgré toute ma diligence je ne fais que d’achever la traduction que j’ai L’honneur de vous envoyer. Il n’étoit pas très facile d’en Concilier Les diverses parties: Cependant je Crois y être parvenu. Je desire que vous en portiez le même jugement. Il me semble que Le génie de notre langue Se refuse au titre que vous destiniez à cet ouvrage. Ne suffiroit il pas de mettre tout Simplement, abrégé...
59General Orders, 3 May 1776 (Washington Papers)
A General Court Martial of the Line, consisting of one Colonel, one Lieut. Colonel, one Major, and ten Captains, to sit to morrow morning at Ten O’Clock, to try all such Prisoners as shall be brought before them—All Evidences, and Persons concerned, to attend the court. Frederick Roach, a Matross in the Regiment of Artillery, tried at a late General Court Martial, whereof Col. Baldwin was...
Since my Letter of April 26th. yours have been received of March 12. 12. 13. 13. and 19. Before the receipt of these, one of which covered the form of your passports , it had been determined here that passports should be issued in our own ports only, as well to secure us against those collusions which would be fraudulent towards our Friends, and would introduce a competition injurious to our...
I have little to add to the letter of which I Send duplicates the absence of the First Consul & Minister, has Suspended all business, & I availed myself of the circumstance to make a tour in France, not chusing to go to England least any thing Should turn up that would require my attention, & particularly the return of the ratification which we are impatiently looking for. The decree of which...
The last papers announce the nomination of Alexander Wolcott Esqre. as an associate Jud⟨ge o⟩f the Supreme Court of the United States, & that the nomination ⟨has⟩ been submitted by the Senate to a Committee for inquiry & consid⟨eratio⟩n. It is conceived, as this commitment was not of course, that ⟨it is?⟩ indicative of opposition & delay, if not of obloquy to be heaped on ⟨the?⟩ Candidate, &...
[ New York, August 7, 1800. On August 9, 1800, Stockton wrote to Hamilton : “I have had the pleasure to receive your favor of the 7th.” Letter not found. ] Stockton, a New Jersey lawyer and Federalist, was a member of the United States Senate from 1796 to 1799.
6424th. (Adams Papers)
Snow’d all night, and this forenoon. I attended meeting all day: Mr. Hilliard preached, but not in his best way. The meeting was very thin. It cleared up this afternoon, and the evening is very cold.
I have the honor to enclose a letter from Mr Read Senator from South Carolina, containing an application for the appointment of midshipman, for the Son of Mr Izard. Altho there are midshipmen enough from So. Carolina, I presume it will be proper to gratify the wishes of so respectable a man as Mr Izard. I have Just recd information of the Arrival of Capt Bary at Newport, the 12th. Inst. which...
I feel myself highly flattered by the notice you were pleased to take of my Oration, in your letter of July last. Your speculations, on the study of the Classicks, meet my own views on that subject; and the method, you recommend, is exactly the one I adopted. I have seen many an ingenious young man, after a course of Classical reading in the manner you propose, become well versed in most of...
The letters to Mr. Hammond & Mr. Pinckney appear to me proper, according to the facts stated in them. The object of that to Mr. Genet also appears to me desireable; but I am not wholly without scruple as to the proposition going from the UStates. ALS , Thomas Jefferson Papers, Library of Congress. For background to this letter, see Jefferson to H and Henry Knox, June 25, 1793 . H’s reply was...
Monday July 19th. The Board met according to adjournment. Resolved, That it is the duty of the Chairman, from time to time, to lay before the Faculty all such information as, in his opinion, the interests of the University may require, and promptly to bring to their attention all such offences against the laws as he may deem proper for their animadversion; especially all such as he may think...
I left New York on Friday morning with Augusta, and proceeded in M rs : M c :Vickar’s Carriage to this place which, we reached early yesterday morning. M rs : M c :V. not finding it convenient to leave Town as soon as we did, waited till Saturday when she embarked on board the Steam Boat with Maria & with M r : & M rs : John M c :Vickar. Maria had intended to land here, & remain with us till...
By the inclosed paper I presume there are arrived for me on board the packet three small boxes of seeds or plants, and a large box, the contents of which I know not. I will beg the favor of you to pay for me the freight and other expences, and to send the three small boxes by the Diligence. As to the large one, I conjecture it may contain bones and other objects of Natural history which should...