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Results 21-30 of 184,431 sorted by author
AL : American Philosophical Society On ne doit jamais Batonner ny Biffer une signature d’une Lettre de change que quand on l’a payée; on pouvoit Repondre qu’on avoit accepté la seconde et qu’on ne vouloit pas accepter la premiere, cette reponse suffisoit, Mr. petit de Lanauze a qui elle a eté envoyée ne peut se dispenser de faire constater le refus d’acceptation, et de la Renvoyer a son cedant...
AL (incomplete): American Philosophical Society The accurate determination of longitude by a ship at sea long remained an unsolved problem. Several theoretically possible methods were advanced during the two centuries and a half after Columbus, but when put to actual test none proved both practicable and sufficiently reliable to serve the needs of mariners, especially of those embarked on long...
AL : American Philosophical Society <[Brussels, December, 1777, ] in French: You do not know me, and my name would not mean much to you. I am fond of great souls, and want to pay tribute to their virtues. Sincere congratulations on the defeat of M. de Burgoÿne, obtained by skill and bravery. M. de Washington has those qualities, and we may hope that Sir Howe, now in check, will be checkmated....
AL : American Philosophical Society <On board the Boston , Port Louis, July 11, 1778: Jerome Cazneau, sergeant of marines, obtained shore leave and persuaded the other Frenchmen aboard to quit the ship. He did everything in his power to alienate them from returning to duty. The General, though under orders to assist us, gave them the choice of staying or quitting, even though he was reminded...
List of autographs [by James Madison:] Autographs sent [by Dolley Payne Madison:] G. Washington John Adams Thomas Jefferson James Monroe John Quincy Adams A. Hamilton Robert R. Livingston Albert Gallatin Edw. Livingston Richard Peters John Page Edmd. Pendleton Wm. Pinkney Timothy Pickering Lafayette Le Baron de Humboldt Du pont de Nemours Peter S. Du Ponceau. 18—
AL : American Philosophical Society On a appris par un officier francois lieutenant dans les troupes aux ordres du général Gates que Klinton avec un corps de 4000 hommes, etant en marche pour se réunir a Philadelphie au général Howe a été attaqué en chemin par le general Gates, et qu’apres un combat très opiniâtre les anglois ont été tous ou tués ou blessés ou prisonniers de guerre. Le Genéral...
I rejoice to find you engaged in your latter days, in so laudable an undertaking as that of perfecting a system for the education of our youth: an estabilishement much wanted on your side of the mountains: and which must hereafter prove a great blessing to our posterity. But, what has astonished me more than all the miracles of Moses , is, that the birth state of Washington , Jefferson ,...
Pour se servir de l’Echiquier cy inclus, en place d’un Chiffre, afin d’empecher la decouverte de votre correspondance; employer la maniere suivante. Ayant ecris votre lettre comme de coutume; vous prepárerez le papier sur lequel vous ētes intentioné a coucher votre copie secrete de la meme grandeur que le carré en Echiquier, lequel ētant placé sur le dit papier, vous l’y fixerez par les quatre...
We address you on a Subject of vital importance; we mean the Subject of Female Education , which in our opinion has not received that attention which its intrinsic value merits.—To benefit, & place it on a more permanent basis, as far as our capabilities will allow, we intend to apply to the Legislature of mary land , at its next session, for means to erect a Female College . The importance of...
I have had frequent occasion to transact Business at the Collectors Office in this Port & for a year or two past the Business of the different departments has been executed entirely by Clerks, many of whom are perfectly ignorant of their Business; the Collector during that time has not been at the office once a fortnight on an average, the consequence of which is a great inconvenience to...