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AL : American Philosophical Society On ne doit jamais Batonner ny Biffer une signature d’une...
AL (incomplete): American Philosophical Society The accurate determination of longitude by a ship...
AL : American Philosophical Society <[Brussels, December, 1777, ] in French: You do not know me,...
AL : American Philosophical Society <On board the Boston , Port Louis, July 11, 1778: Jerome...
List of autographs [by James Madison:] Autographs sent [by Dolley Payne Madison:] G. Washington...
AL : American Philosophical Society On a appris par un officier francois lieutenant dans les...
I rejoice to find you engaged in your latter days, in so laudable an undertaking as that of...
Pour se servir de l’Echiquier cy inclus, en place d’un Chiffre, afin d’empecher la decouverte de...
We address you on a Subject of vital importance; we mean the Subject of Female Education , which...
I have had frequent occasion to transact Business at the Collectors Office in this Port & for a...
Being a Resident of this place and since the prospect of having the seat of a great Empire (which...
I send you the first number of a series of papers which I intend to publish on matters of the...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Daignés recevoir mes felicitations sinceres sur l’heureux...
Je Serois bien flatté, Si j’etois le premier a Vous informer, que les Etats de la Prove....
I will be very flattered if I am the first to inform you that the Provincial States of Utrecht...
The enclosed letters are respectfully presented, for Your perusal. The author has composed them...
11 Nov . [ 1785 ]. Extend dinner invitation to TJ and David Humphreys for that day on the part of...
17. Apr. [ 1785 ]. Accept dinner invitation for Tuesday, 19 Apr. RC ( MHi ); 2 p.; in French;...
Paris, 13 Nov. 1785 . Extend dinner invitation to TJ and his party for that day on the part of...
Les abbés de Chalut et Arnoux ont l’honneur de faire leurs compliments à Monsieur jefferson et de...
24 May 1785 . Accept TJ’s invitation. RC ( MHi ); 2 p.; in French; addressed.
I write to You on a subject which I think of great importance and because in your life I think...
I have been informed, that a paper addressed to the President of the United States is privately...
we are all tolerable well At present Exept my father who is Down with the Rhuematick pains & has...
I have bought a mule of the bearer mr Jesse Abell for eighty Dollars, and not having the money by...
Tho’ conscious that the Sermon which accompanies this, is in no degree worthy of your acceptance,...
The death of Dr Frederick Phile the late Naval Officer of this State, occasioning a vacancy in...
ALS : American Philosophical Society J’ay eu L’honneur de vous ecrire ilia trois cemaine pour...
ALS : American Philosophical Society J’ay L’honneur de vous ecrire pour vous demandes une paspor...
The inclosed Certificate I venture to send to you, humbly requesting of your Exclly. to have the...