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No. Author Recipient Title Date Context
21 Madison, James Chapman, Reynolds James Madison to Reynolds Chapman, April 1836 1836-04-01 I have just recd. your letter, in which you say that according to information, to be relied on,...
22 Van Buren, Martin Madison, James Martin Van Buren to James Madison, 30 April 1836 1836-04-30 Allow me to present to you my Son Mr. Smith T. Van Buren—who is desirous of paying his respects...
23 Ingersoll, Charles Jared Madison, James Charles J. Ingersoll to James Madison, 28 April 1836 1836-04-28 I have come thus far with a design long cherished to afford myself the gratification of paying...
24 Madison, James Stewart, Charles Tudor James Madison to Charles Tudor Stewart, 22 April 1836 1836-04-22 Your letter was not recd. till yesterday. I would cheerfully gratify you in the object of your...
25 Walsh, Robert Madison, James Robert Walsh to James Madison, 22 April 1836 1836-04-22 It is probable that I shall go abroad about the end of next month to divide a twelvemonth between...
26 Coles, Edward Madison, James Edward Coles to James Madison, 20 April 1836 1836-04-20 A few days after the date of my late letter to you, I heard that Gen: Armstrongs Book was in the...
27 Madison, James Rives, William Cabell James Madison to William Cabell Rives, 19 April 1836 1836-04-19 I have recd. the copy of your speech on the 28th. of March. It is the only one I have read on the...
28 Madison, James Peyton, Bernard James Madison to Bernard Peyton, 16 April 1836 1836-04-16 The Bull-calf so unpromising at first has turned out a fine one, so that I can spare one of the...
29 Madison, James Bancroft, George James Madison to George Bancroft, 13 April 1836 1836-04-13 I have recd. with your letter of the 8th. the first Vol: of Genl: Armstrong’s "notices of the War...
30 Madison, James Coles, Edward James Madison to Edward Coles, 10 April 1836 1836-04-10 I have received your letter of April 2d. It gives us great pleasure to learn that Mrs. Coles has...
31 Madison, James Kane, John K. James Madison to John K. Kane, 10 April 1836 1836-04-10 J. M. thanks Mr. Kane for his friendly communication of the 28th. March. Although in his present...
32 Bancroft, George Madison, James George Bancroft to James Madison, 8 April 1836 1836-04-08 I hardly know how sufficiently to express the very great delight and instruction I derived from...
33 Madison, James Cass, Lewis James Madison to Lewis Cass, 3 April 1836 1836-04-03 J. Madison with his respects to Govr. Cass, offers him many thanks for the copy of his late...
34 Chapman, Reynolds Madison, James Reynolds Chapman to James Madison, 3 April 1836 1836-04-03 I am about to trouble you in a matter of delicacy and of interest. I do so, not without great...
35 Stewart, Charles Tudor Madison, James Charles Tudor Stewart to James Madison, 3 April 1836 1836-04-03 Having made a partial collection of the autographs of distinguished individuals, the undersigned...
36 Madison, James Bigelow, Andrew James Madison to Andrew Bigelow, 2 April 1836 1836-04-02 I have received, with your letter of the 15th. inst: a copy of your "Election Sermon on the 6th...
37 Coles, Edward Madison, James Edward Coles to James Madison, 2 April 1836 1836-04-02 The enclosed letter from Col: Ch: Todd was recd. to day. I have an imperfect recollection of the...
38 Tucker, George Madison, James George Tucker to James Madison, 2 April 1836 1836-04-02 Professor Palfrey of Harvard College being desirous of paying his respects to you on his return...
39 Madison, James Leigh, Benjamin Watkins James Madison to Benjamin W. Leigh, March 1836 1836-03-01 J. Madison, with his best respects to Mr. Leigh, thanks him for the Copy of his interesting...
40 Madison, James James Madison to Unknown, March 1836 1836-03-01 The precise obligation imposed on a representative, by instructions of his constituents, still...
41 Kane, John K. Madison, James John K. Kane to James Madison, 28 March 1836 1836-03-28 I do myself the honour of sending you a pamphlet explanatory of the proceedings of the late...
42 Fragment in his writing re book for Lawrenceville … 1836-03-25 Front March 27 1836. Forwarded for the Lawrville Lyceum at the request in its name, of a Book...
43 Madison, James David, Virgil James Madison to Virgil David, 25 March 1836 1836-03-25 I have received Sir, your letter of the 18. of Feby., and in compliance with its request, have...
44 Madison, James Denny, Harmar James Madison to [Harmar] Denny, 25 March 1836 1836-03-25 J. M. presents his respects to Mr Denny, and as desired by Mr. V. David commits to his care a...
45 Madison, James Hickey, Daniel G. James Madison to Daniel G. Hickey, 24 March 1836 1836-03-24 I have received your letter of the lst. and would gladly furnish the information you wish, but I...
46 Madison, James Shankland, Thomas James Madison to Thomas Shankland, 24 March 1836 1836-03-24 I have recd. Sir, your letter of the 18th. Having declined such interpositions as you request of...
47 Madison, James Zollickoffer, William James Madison to William Zollickoffer, 24 March 1836 1836-03-24 I have recd. your letter of the 17th. The best answer I can give, will be found in the enclosed...
48 Madison, James Editor of the Farmers’ Register James Madison to the Editor of the Farmers’ Register … 1836-03-22 You expressed a wish (page -- vol. III,) to obtain information in relation to the history of the...
49 Madison, James Williston, C. Fenimore James Madison to C. Fenimore Williston, 19 March 1836 1836-03-19 I have recd. Sir your letter of the 9th. and am sorry that I cannot give you the information it...
50 Bigelow, Andrew Madison, James Andrew Bigelow to James Madison, 15 March 1836 1836-03-15 As a Stranger, I ought not, by the laws of courtesy, to intrude myself on your notice. But in...