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Results 21-50 of 184,431 sorted by editorial placement
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No. Author Recipient Title Date Context
21 Adams, John 31 Saturday. 1756-01-31 A warm, spring-like Day. Kept School. Lodged at Mr. Maccartys, at night.
22 Adams, John [February 1756] 1756-02-01 Pretty cold. Staid at Home, A.M. P.M. heard Mr. Maccarty. Lodg’d with him at night. Wrote to John...
23 Adams, John February. 1756. 1 Sunday. 1756-02-01 Pretty cold. Staid at Home, A.M. P.M. heard Mr. Maccarty. Lodg’d with him at night.
24 Adams, John 2 Monday. 1756-02-02 Wrote to John Wentworth by Coll. Josiah Willard. Spent the Eve, sup’d and lodg’d at Major...
25 Adams, John 3 Tuesday. 1756-02-03 Breakfasted at Gardiners. This morn the Weather clear’d away. As warm and brilliant as May. Kept...
26 Adams, John 4 Wednesday. 1756-02-04 A charming warm Day. Dined at Coll. Chandler’s with Mr. Pain, Abel Willard and Ebenr. Thayer....
27 Adams, John 5 Thurdsday. 1756-02-05 A fair morning but some symptoms of a Change of Weather. Kept School. Spent the evening with...
28 Adams, John 6 Fryday. 1756-02-06 A cloudy morning. About 10 the sun brake out. A warm Day. Dined at Mr. Paines. Kept school. Spent...
29 Adams, John 7 Saturday. 1756-02-07 A Fair warm, day. Dined at the Judges. Drank Tea at Major Gardiners.
30 Adams, John 8 Sunday. 1756-02-08 Heard Mr. Maccarty. Fine Weather.
31 Adams, John 9 Monday. 1756-02-09 Fine Weather. Settled roads. Drank Tea and spent the Evening at Coll. Chandlers, very gaily, with...
32 Adams, John 10 Tuesday. 1756-02-10 Fair Weather. Spent the Evening at Major Chandlers, with Major Greene and Mr. Maccarty. Charming...
33 Adams, John 11 Wednesday. 1756-02-11 Serene Weather, but somewhat cool. I am constantly forming, but never executing good resolutions....
34 Adams, John 12 Thurdsday. 1756-02-12 A cool, but pleasant morning. Heard Mr. Welman Wellman preach the Lecture, and drank Tea, with...
35 Adams, John 13 Fryday. 1756-02-13 A pleasant morning. Saw my classmates Gardner, and Wheeler. Wheeler dined, spent the afternoon,...
36 Adams, John 14 Saturday. 1756-02-14 Good Weather. This afternoon took a Vomit of Tartar Emet. and Turbith mineral, that worked 7...
37 Adams, John 15 Sunday. 1756-02-15 Charming Weather. A.M. staid at home reading the Independent Whig. Very often Shepherds that are...
38 Adams, John 16 Monday. 1756-02-16 A most beautiful morning. We have the most moderate Winter that ever was known in this country....
39 Adams, John 17 Tuesday. 1756-02-17 A clowdy Day. Dined at Mr. Greenes.
40 Adams, John 18 Wednesday. 1756-02-18 A charming morning. My Classmate Gardner drank Tea with me. Spent an Hour in the beginning of the...
41 Adams, John 19 Thurdsday. 1756-02-19 No man is intirely free from weakness and imperfection in this life. Men of the most exalted...
42 Adams, John 20 Fryday. 1756-02-20 A dull Day. Symptoms of Snow. Writing Tillotson. That is, copying out extracts from the published...
43 Adams, John 21 Saturday. 1756-02-21 A Snowy day. Snow about ancle deep. I find by repeated experiment and observation, in my School,...
44 Adams, John 22 Sunday. 1756-02-22 Suppos a nation in some distant Region, should take the Bible for their only law Book, and every...
45 Adams, John 23 Monday. 1756-02-23 Fair weather. Crawford spent the Evening here.
46 Adams, John 24 Tuesday. 1756-02-24 A fine morning. We are told that Demosthenes transcribed the history of Thucidides 8 times, in...
47 Adams, John 25 Wednesday. 1756-02-25 Fair and cold Weather. An extream cold night.
48 Adams, John 26 Thurdsday. 1756-02-26 Fair cold morning. An extream cold Day.
49 Adams, John 27 Fryday. 1756-02-27 A fair, cold day. Drank Tea at Mrs. Paines. All day, in high health, and spirits. Writing...
50 Adams, John 28 Saturday. 1756-02-28 A raw cold day. Attended Mrs. Brown’s funeral. Let this, and every other Instance of human...