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I have just recd. your letter, in which you say that according to information, to be relied on, one of the Candidates for the Senatorial District, had publickly asserted that I favoured his Election; and that it was doing injury to the other Candidate. Having declined interfering in the existing political contests, and elections, for reasons sufficiently obvious, in my aged and decrepid...
Allow me to present to you my Son Mr. Smith T. Van Buren—who is desirous of paying his respects to you. Wishing to be affectionately remembered to Mrs. Madison I am Dear, [Sir] very truly yours RC (University of Pennsylvania Library).
I have come thus far with a design long cherished to afford myself the gratification of paying you and Mrs. Madison a visit at Montpellier. Our friend Gov. Coles on whom I called for the purpose before leaving Philadelphia has apprised me of the way. I find here that the steamboat for Fredericksburg leaves Washington every morning at six oclock which will enable me I understand to reach Orange...
Your letter was not recd. till yesterday. I would cheerfully gratify you in the object of your pursuit, but like applications have already exhausted my files, and obliged me to give that answer. The autographs of Mr. Hamilton & Mr. Jay, two names you seem particularly to desire, I have no doubt can be easily obtained from public offices, or their family connexions. Accept my respects & good...
It is probable that I shall go abroad about the end of next month to divide a twelvemonth between France & England. From patriotic motives & personal attachments I intend to publish in Paris or London from time to time Sketches Biographical & Bibliographical, of the most eminent among the living writers & intelligences of our country. I wish to obtain now, accordingly, suitable memoranda—mere...
A few days after the date of my late letter to you, I heard that Gen: Armstrongs Book was in the press at NewYork, & would soon be published. I heard to day that it had been received here, & went immediately in pursuit of it. I have just procured it & hasten to forward it to you, not having taken time to look into it I have only time to return you my thanks for your letter of April 10. and to...
I have recd. the copy of your speech on the 28th. of March. It is the only one I have read on the subject. It contains strong points, strongly sustained. I cannot but think however that the preservation of the original journals of the Legislature is undervalued; printed copies of transitory proceedings being generally neglected by the possessors, the more so, the greater the number of them...
The Bull-calf so unpromising at first has turned out a fine one, so that I can spare one of the grown bulls, at a price which I leave to any one of your judicious friends—observing only that he was 6 or 8 months old when he came to my hands, and besides pasturage with occasional grain in the summer he has been now kept thro’ three winters, well housed & lodged, and with as much good hay and...
I have recd. with your letter of the 8th. the first Vol: of Genl: Armstrong’s "notices of the War of 1812" and offer my thanks for the politeness to which I owe it. It cannot but be agreeable to know that you were pleased with your short visit at Montpellier, where the impression it left will always ensure you a sincere welcome. Mrs Madison is very thankful for your kind sentiments addressed...
I have received your letter of April 2d. It gives us great pleasure to learn that Mrs. Coles has recovered her health, and that the appearance of your little daughter continues to promise every thing her Parents could wish. I return the letter you enclosed, leaving it to be answered by your imperfect recollection. I make no comment, for which, indeed I am, and have been for some days past, too...