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Results 2091-2100 of 184,431 sorted by author
I believe I may say with truth, that I have been your daily visitor through the dreary season of winter, and altho not visible to you, I have sometimes seated myself by your fire side, and held sweet converse with you; and not unfrequently regretted that it was not my good fortune to have been situated near your dwelling; then would your cheering countenance have enlivened the confinement I...
Thanks my Dear cousin for the Ring which containing a memorial of my Ever dear Aunt your Mother is more valuable to me than a Ring of Rubies— I Love I esteem I venerate her memory as I did her Character while living, as She always treated me like a child I have every reason to cherish her memory. I never knew a purer Character, or a more Stricktly pious woman from years of intimacy with her. I...
your Letter found me this morning rising from the Bed of Sickness, to which I have been for three weeks confined by a dangerous Lung fever. I am much reduced, and weakened by the voilent cough which has accompanied it. my Symptoms, are now favorable my Physician assures me: but it is easier to pull down an old Building, than to repair, or rebuild to it and I must Sensibly feel my weakness. but...
upon my return from a visit to my Sister in Newhampshire, where I had been in pursuit of health; I found your obliging and interesting Letter of May 14th. I thank you for the communications, and embrace the opportunity offered, of writing to my Son, tho from my absence, I fear it may prove too late for the conveyance. if it should, you may return it, I begin to feel quite impatient for Letters...
I have received your Letter written at Sea dated the 1st of May, and was pleased that you had kept your promise of writing to me, and I hope you will continue to inform me of what you see in your Tour, which you have marked out, in your Letter, when you tread upon the ground where Shakespear was born You will naturaly feel a veneration for the Spot, and wish for some spark of his genius. when...
The fit of recollection came upon both of Us, So nearly at the same time that I may, Sometime or other, begin to think there is Some thing in Priestleys and Hartleys vibrations. The day before Yesterday I Sent to the Post office a letter to you and last night I received your kind favour of the 10 th . The question before the human race is, Whether the God of nature Shall govern the World by...
I know not what to Say of your Letter of the 11 th of Jan. but that it is one of the most consolatory, I ever received. To trace the Commence me nt of the Reformation I Suspect We must go farther back than Borgia , or even than Huss or Wickliff , and I want the Acta Sanctorum to assist me in this Research. That Stupendous Monument of human Hypocricy and Fanaticism the Church of St. Peter
I have contemplated writing to you for some time, and thanking you for the information which I have received through you respecting my Son’s Health; when he writes himself, he is too much occupied with public cares, and too inattentive to himself, to give me such information as I am desirous of obtaining upon a subject, which has given me, many anxious hours. there are some malidies so deep...
Know all Men by these Presents, that We John Adams of Quincy in the County of Norfolk and Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Esquire, and Abigail Adams his Wife, In consideration of one Dollar to each of us paid by John Quincy Adams of Boston in the County of Suffolk & Commonwealth of Massachusetts aforesaid Esquire, the Receipt whereof We do hereby acknowledge and for diverse other good and...
This indenture of three parts made and concluded this seventh day of October in the year of our Lord One thousand eight hundred & fourteen by and between John Adams Esquire and Abigail his wife in her right, of Quincy in the County of Norfolk & Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Richard Norton of Alexandria in the District of Columbia Esquire, William Norton of Weymouth in said County of Norfolk,...