George Washington Papers

Orders, 29–30 July 1756


[Winchester, 29, 30 July 1756]


The Quarter-master is to receive from the Militia of King-George and Caroline Counties, the arms, Stores, &c. which they have; to give them a receipt for them; and to make a return to Colonel Washington of what he receives.1 A court martial to sit immediately for trial of David McJennet for striking Sergeant Matthews.2

Parole: Tunbridge.

Winchester: Friday, July 30th 1756.

Colonel Washington takes this method to inform the inhabitants of this town, that the Militia will be discharged in a short time, and consequently the completing of the Fort be much retarded: He therefore hopes, and desires every family in town, will send a man to work upon it—and that every young Fellow, without the charge of a family, will readily give his assistance towards it.

As this public work is intended for the general good of the Country, it is hoped no other arguments need to be used to induce the towns people to contribute their assistance, than the singular advantages which must inevitably arise to this place in particular, both now and hereafter.

The Adjutant must acquaint the Inhabitants of the above orders, and use his endeavours to enforce them.


1GW in mid-May sent the contingent of militia from King George County under Lt. Thomas Newgent to John Ashby’s fort on Patterson Creek. On 13 July he wrote Robert McKenzie to send Newgent and his men to John Parker’s place on the South Branch to protect the harvesters there; on the same day he wrote Newgent and the other militia officers that they would be discharged as soon as the harvest was in (see Memorandum, 13 July). The contingent of Caroline militia had been sent to the mouth of Sleepy Creek in May.

2John Matthews, a middle-aged sergeant in George Mercer’s company, was a sawyer by trade. No record of David McJennet’s trial has been found, but during August Capt. William Peachey continued to report that McJennet was being employed as a carpenter at Fort Loudoun.

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