Thomas Jefferson Papers

Hugh Nelson to Thomas Jefferson, 7 June 1816

From Hugh Nelson

Belvoir June 7th


During the late session of Congress, there was committed to my Care for you, the small package herwith Sent, and addressed to you—by a Senator of the U.S—On leaving the City this package was put up in my Trunk and brought by me to Fredericksburg—There changing my route to the lower Country instead of coming directly home, I entrusted the Trunk to an agent who was to forward it as soon as he coud conveniently—The Trunk was not brought home until the last Evening—I therefore hasten to forward it immediately to you—I also send a small parcel for Your daughter Mrs Randolph which was committed to my Care at Washington—this being put up in my Trunk, did not get to hand until yesterday with my Baggage—This will account for my Seeming inattention to these commissions—Accept assurances of my high Consideration

Hugh Nelson

RC (DLC: TJ Papers, 207:36920); partially dated; endorsed by TJ as a letter of 7 June 1816 received one day later and so recorded in SJL.

The small package sent to TJ by an unnamed United States senator may have included Hosea Humphrey to TJ, 31 Dec. 1815, and its enclosures, which reached TJ the same day as this letter. The parcel conveyed to Martha Jefferson Randolph has not been identified.

Index Entries

  • Nelson, Hugh; conveys packages to TJ search
  • Nelson, Hugh; letters from search
  • Randolph, Martha Jefferson (Patsy; TJ’s daughter; Thomas Mann Randolph’s wife); packages sent to search