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Results 2061-2110 of 184,431 sorted by author
I known you are fast asleep while I have kindled my own fire in my chamber calld my men and...
Susan would insist, that she saw the packet go out about 8 oclock this morning. I hope it was so...
I will not let mr Ingraham depart without a few Lines to you. I have written to you Several times...
I owe you many thanks for the early notice which you transmitted me, of mr Adams’s acceptance of...
will you get mr Norten to inform by Letters mr & mrs James Foster of the death of your dear...
I was much pleased with the improvement of in your hand writing. I have had to regret all my Life...
How shall we get on without you? I dont half like it. why cannot you come out with mr Shaw? if...
I will not delay a single hour to replie to your Letter of Jan’ry 8th just recived, and to...
When I closed my Letter; last week to my son by captain Smith, I fully intended to have written...
My Eyes have been very troublesome the week past, So that I have not used my pen. I thank you for...
I take it for granted that you will neither in public or private Life do any thing which you are...
This Anniversary is So well known to you, that you will not wonder; that it always returns with a...
I am very anxious to learn whether mrs Smith is confined? I expected the post of this day would...
I think I will not give to any passenger any Letters, unless a Letter of introduction, for...
I have been intending to write to you, and thank you for the loan of mr Everets Sirmon which I...
My last Letter, was written last week, and addrest to mrs Adams, by the Amsterdam packet, which...
If you will Send Lucy & Johny here to day we will take care of them. Betsy Says She knows her...
It is a long time Since I have received a Line from you, or written one to you. yet it does not...
I rejoice that I can begin the new year without a Repetition of any mournfull, or afflictive...
Mr Depand has sent his Clerk here this Evening, to say that he would sail tomorrow in the Milo,...
Hearing that a vessel was fitting out of Nyork to carry dispatches from government, I venture to...
Mr and Mrs Adams present their Love to mr and Mrs Tufts and miss Lucy and ask the pleasure of...
Do you know my Dear Daughter that the date of your last Letter was the 3 of June, since which I...
I hope you received the letters safe which I inclosed to you from your brother. I wish I could...
As my good Husband chats Sometimes in circles I will explain to you. my Son J Q A—inclosed to me...
By mr william Appleton going to England in a Russian Ship I embrace the opportunity of writing to...
your Mother has been So constant in writing that I have been the more remiss. I am glad to find...
You will no doubt receive from the President of the United States permission to return home, as...
I scarcely know how to address you by way of consolation, who myself stand so much in need of the...
My consolation is, that you cannot go “ where universal love smiles not around Sustaining all yon...
I believe I may say with truth, that I have been your daily visitor through the dreary season of...
Thanks my Dear cousin for the Ring which containing a memorial of my Ever dear Aunt your Mother...
your Letter found me this morning rising from the Bed of Sickness, to which I have been for three...
upon my return from a visit to my Sister in Newhampshire, where I had been in pursuit of health;...
I have received your Letter written at Sea dated the 1st of May, and was pleased that you had...
The fit of recollection came upon both of Us, So nearly at the same time that I may, Sometime or...
I know not what to Say of your Letter of the 11 th of Jan. but that it is one of the most...
I have contemplated writing to you for some time, and thanking you for the information which I...
Know all Men by these Presents, that We John Adams of Quincy in the County of Norfolk and...
This indenture of three parts made and concluded this seventh day of October in the year of our...
I cannot refrain from addressing a few lines to you, to intreat of you, to calm your agitated...
I have wanted to be writing these two days, but an incessant succession of company which the fine...
Never mind it, my dear Sir, if I write four Letters to your one: your one is worth more than my...
I hope you will pardon the Trouble I give you in thus Adressing you: But a Reliance on your good...
When I take a retrospective view of the innumerable obligations which I owe you, not only as the...
I have heard, with some surprize, your proposition to Mr Adams that we should once more take up...
With Humble Permission I Approach to Address your Great Personage In your Great and Exalted...
After a very fatiguing and a very anxious jaunt, I have returned from Albany with my Certificate...
Suppose that for a few moments we should indulge in the regions of fancy and imagine a nation...
NB This is not performing the promise of writing to one another every week. I know you can write...