George Washington Papers

From George Washington to Henry Champion, Sr., 4 May 1780

To Henry Champion, Sr.

Head Quarters Morris town 4th May 1780


I have had the pleasure of receiving yours of the 18th and 24th April1—The Drove of 80 head of Cattle arrived this day, and were a most seasonable supply, as we had only four days Meat on hand—I am led to hope from your letters that you will continue to send on farther parcels of Cattle, and I am the more encouraged in this, as Colo. Blaine informs me that a supply of Money has been forwarded to you.2 I had, upon the rect of your first letter, written to General Howe and pointed out to him the ill consequences attending his stopping more Cattle at the North River than were intended for the posts there, and he has assured me that nothing of the same kind shall happen again.3 I am Sir Yr most obt Servt.

Df, in Tench Tilghman’s writing, DLC:GW; Varick transcript, DLC:GW.

1For Champion’s letter to GW dated 24 April, see his letter to GW, 18 April, n.1.

2Champion wrote GW on 6 May: “I have Started within about Eight or ten days past, about 110 good Cattle most of which I ordered to Head Quarters at Morristown, hope they will be Suffered to reach that place, 40: or: 50 more to set off about five or six days from this time, about 80 head to move from here the 17th Instant, about 40 the 23rd Instant, & after that Expect to Increase the number in Case I am supply’d with Cash—Shall leave no means untry’d” (ALS, DLC:GW; Champion wrote “⅌r Express” on the cover of his letter).

GW replied to Champion from Morristown on 11 May: “I this day received yours of the 6th: none of the Cattle mentioned in it, have yet arrived, but the Express informs me that a drove of about 50 were at the North River—You have my thanks for your exertions on the present pressing occasion and I am sure you will not discontinue them when you know that our dependance for some time to come rests almost intirely upon you” (Df, in Tench Tilghman’s writing, DLC:GW; Varick transcript, DLC:GW).

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