George Washington Papers

General Orders, 11 September 1776

General Orders

Head Quarters, New-York, sept. 11th 1776.

Parole: Ulster.Countersign: Albany.

Robt Williams of Col. Glovers Regiment is appointed Pay Master to said regiment.1

William Arnold and Samuel Clark of Capt. Smith’s Company,2 Col. Smallwood’s Regiment—Daniel Donovel of Capt. Hardenberg’s Company,3 tried by a Court Martial whereof Col. Malcom was President, on a charge of “plundering the House lately occupied by Lord Stirling”—Donovel was convicted of the crime and sentenced to receive Thirty-nine Lashes—the others acquitted—The General approves the sentence, orders the latter to join their regiments and Donovel to be whipp’d to morrow, on the Grand parade, before the Guards march off—The Provost Marshal to see it executed, Col. Ritzema’s Regt being removed.

Peter Richards, Serjeant in the General’s Guard convicted by the same Court Martial of “Abusing and striking Capt. Gibbs,” sentenced to be reduced to the ranks, and whipped Thirty-nine Lashes.4 The General approves the sentence, and orders it to be executed, to morrow morning, at the head of the company at eight o’Clock.

Col. Palfrey Pay Master will receive the Pay-Abstracts agreeable to yesterday’s Orders of Genl Spencer’s Division, at General McDougall’s quarters, near Harlem on Saturday and Sunday—Of General Heath’s division at his Head-Quarters at any time.5

The commanding Officers of Col. Silliman’s, Col. Lewis, Coll Mead’s and Col. Thompson’s Regts to examine the state of the Ammunition of their regiments, it being reported that their men on Guard last night were deficient.

John Christy of Col. Humphrey’s Regt convicted by a Court Martial whereof Col. Malcom was President of “Desertion”—ordered to receive Thirty-nine lashes—The General approves the sentence, and orders it to be executed, to morrow, at the usual time & place.

Such regiments whose Pay-Masters have not been named in General Orders, are by their Field Officers, immediately to recommend suitable persons, to the General, for that office—Every recommendation is to be signed by the Field Officers of the regiments who are present.

Varick transcript, DLC:GW; Df, in Joseph Reed’s writing, DNA: RG 93, Orderly Books, vol. 15. The two passwords in the draft are not in Reed’s writing.

1Robert Williams (1753–1834), a native of Boston who had taught at the Roxbury Latin School after graduating from Harvard College in 1773, served as paymaster of Col. John Glover’s 14th Continental Regiment until the end of 1776. Appointed an ensign in Col. William R. Lee’s Additional Continental Regiment on 24 April 1777, Williams became paymaster of that regiment the following June. He transferred to Col. Henry Jackson’s Additional Continental Regiment in April 1779 and continued serving under Jackson in the 9th Massachusetts Regiment during 1781 and 1782, the 4th Massachusetts during the first ten months of 1783, and Jackson’s Continental regiment from November 1783 to June 1784. Williams was promoted to first lieutenant in April 1782.

2Samuel Smith (1752–1839) served as a captain in Col. William Smallwood’s Maryland regiment from 14 Jan. 1776 until his appointment as major of the 4th Maryland Regiment on 10 December. Promoted to lieutenant colonel on 22 Feb. 1777, Smith was wounded the following October during the defense of Fort Mifflin, for which Congress on 4 Nov. 1777 resolved to honor him with an “elegant sword” (JCC description begins Worthington Chauncey Ford et al., eds. Journals of the Continental Congress, 1774-1789. 34 vols. Washington, D.C., 1904–37. description ends , 9:862). Smith resigned from the army in May 1779 and later became major general of the Maryland militia.

3The draft reads: “Daniel Donovel of Capt. Hardenburgh’s Compy Col. Ritzma’s Regt John Andrews of Capt. Gilman’s Company.” Jeremiah Gilman commanded a company in Col. John Nixon’s 4th Continental Regiment.

4Peter Richards (d. 1781), who previously had been a sergeant in Col. Asa Whitcomb’s 6th Continental Regiment, joined the commander in chief’s guard on 12 Mar. 1776. Richards was reported to be “on command” with GW on 27 Nov. 1776 (see Godfrey, Commander-in-Chief’s Guard description begins Carlos E. Godfrey. The Commander-in-Chief’s Guard: Revolutionary War. Washington, D.C., 1904. description ends , 238).

5For the previous orders regarding Spencer’s and Heath’s pay abstracts, see General Orders, 9 September. The following Saturday and Sunday were 14 and 15 September.

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