General Orders, 10 June 1776
General Orders
Head Quarters, New York, June 10th 1776.
Parole Bedford.Countersign Cumberland.
The Brigadier Generals are requested to make their different Brigades, perfectly acquainted with their several alarm posts, and that they pay particular attention to the men’s arms, and see that they are in perfect good fighting order.
The Colonels, or commanding Officers of Regiments, from which men were taken, to compose His Excellency The Commander in Chief’s guard, are not to include them in their future Returns, or Abstracts, after the month of March, they being consider’d as a distinct Corps.
Varick transcript, DLC:GW.
Capt. Abraham Dodge’s orderly book includes the following paragraph at the end of the general orders for this date: “The pay master General has removed his office to the house of Learned [Leonard] Lispenard Esqr. by the North River Near his excellency General Washingtons, where all who have business to Transact with him are desired to attend[.] The Colonels of the several Regiments are desired to make their Abstracts on a whole Sheet of Paper that the paymaster General May have sufficient room to draw the warranty and make the Necessary Indorsements” (General Orders, 14 April 1776, source note).
224; see also 151). GW’s headquarters after his return from Philadelphia were at Abraham Mortier’s house a short distance north of the city (see