Benjamin Franklin Papers

From Benjamin Franklin to Lord Howe, 18 August 1784

To Lord Howe

Transcript:9 Library of Congress

Passy, Augt. 18th. 1784—

My Lord

I received lately the very valuable Voyage of the late Captain Cooke, kindly sent to me by your Lordship,1 in consideration of my Good-will in issuing Orders towards the protection of that illustrious Discoverer from any Interruption in his Return home by American Cruisers. The Reward vastly exceeds the small Merit of the Action, which was no more than a Duty to Mankind. I am very sensible of his Majesty’s Goodness in permitting this Favor to me, and I desire that my thankful acknowledgements may be accepted. With great Respect, I am, My Lord Your Lordships most obedient and most humble Servant

B. F.

To The Right Honble. Lord Viscount Howe

[Note numbering follows the Franklin Papers source.]

9Made for WTF, presumably from BF’s draft, and published in Memoirs, 11, 63.

1Under cover of a letter of [June 1]: XLII, 301. The first volume of the set was accidentally omitted from the shipment, as BF would explain to Banks on Aug. 21 (below), and BF had evidently been waiting to see it before acknowledging the gift. Though the volume had still not arrived, WTF’s impending trip to England induced BF to write this letter and the one to Banks, in which it was enclosed.

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