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Results 20521-20550 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
My last Letters went by my Son Winslow who left this place about three weeks ago for Amsterdam...
You are to proceed to The Two ferry’s near Trentown and to see all the boats there put in the...
Transcript: Library of Congress I received lately the very valuable Voyage of the late Captain...
We have the Honor herewith to transmit a copy of a Letter with sundry enclosures just received by...
2052523 Saturday. (Adams Papers)
At Colledge, a Clowdy morning, and in the afternoon, Came up a Clowd of thunder and lightning....
Since the arrival of Mr Monroe, the frequency of his dispatches to you & the view he is known to...
I thank you for your favour of the 3d. and congratulate you on your success; which I hope and...
I have just recd yours of the 24. with the articles referred to in it. Subjoined is a list of...
I have the honor to inform you, in answer to your enquiries, that a statement of the case of the...
In reviewing the defects of the existing confederation, and shewing that they cannot be supplied...
My neighbor & friend E. C. Delavan Esqr. of this City, being about to proceed to Virginia, & the...
On the late distressing scene of the distroying Element, at Monticello (without the effective...
I am offered the services of a Mr. Magee, now living with Mr. Randolph, as an overseer. I have...
New York, January 15, 1795. “I have understood from common report that it is Your Intention very...
I this Day received a Letter from Mr Edwards Depty Judge Advocate, informing me, that Joshua...
Your favor of the 20th Instant I have had the honor to receive. Could I view your Excellencys...
Your favor of the 31 st Ulto came to hand in due course— Two Days ago I was fortunate enough to...
Boston, February 13, 1791. “… I hope by next Post to be able to transmitt you the amount of the...
When I was first informed of the discontent that pervaded the whole of the Field Officers of the...
Enclosed you will receive an Abstract of Protections granted to American Seamen in this District...
I am to inform Your Excellency that I embarked in Company with the Barons aid, from York on...
20542General Orders, 4 November 1778 (Washington Papers)
A General Court-Martial of the Line whereof Lieutt Coll Williams is appointed President to sit...
20543[Diary entry: 15 July 1787] (Washington Papers)
Sunday 15th. Dined at Mr. Morris’s & remaind. at home all day.
20544[Diary entry: 29 July 1773] (Washington Papers)
29. Colo. Carlyle & Son & Mr. Piper dind here & went away again in the afternoon with his...
you are to take charge of privates of the Brittish Army & to Conduct them by the shortest and...
Having sum Company, and the Wind Blowing fresh, Prevented my Attending on you this day, as...
Know all men by these Present that I John Quincy Adams of Boston in the County of Suffolk Esquire...
Mrs Jones, Mrs Pleasants and two other Ladies connected with the Quakers confined at Winchester...
I have duly received your Letter of the 1st instant, enclosing Mister Bennett’s claim against...
20550General Orders, 10 June 1776 (Washington Papers)
The Brigadier Generals are requested to make their different Brigades, perfectly acquainted with...