Benjamin Franklin Papers

To Benjamin Franklin from Thomas Barclay, 25 April 1782

From Thomas Barclay

ALS: American Philosophical Society

Amsterdam 25 april 1782


I gave your Excellency the trouble of a letter last post,7 and I have Now the pleasure of informing You that the ship from Ostend8 is at length arrived— Captain Smedley who is to take the Command of her will, I hope, be able to Examin her Compleatly tomorrow, and the day following I shall begin to load.— I am very much indisposed with a fever and Cold, and therefore must beg leave to Conclude, Sir Your Excellencys Most Obedient Huml Servt.

Thos Barclay

His Excellency Benjn. Franklin Esqe. Passy.

Endorsed: April 25. 82

[Note numbering follows the Franklin Papers source.]

7That of April 22, above.

8The Heer Adams.

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