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Results 2051-2100 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
Your letter of Ocr. 20. on the subject of Professor Long having met with delays, I had not the...
I received two days ago your favour of Decr. 29. That of Augst. 25. came also safe to hand. I did...
Your letter of Monday last came to hand yesterday, and the same mail brought me the letter from...
J Madison presents his respects to Col: Randolph, & incloses a misdirected letter of Mr. Faulcon....
I returned yesterday from Charlottesville, & hasten to acknowledge the receipt of your package,...
I have to return you my thanks for the flattering letter I received from you, relative to my...
[1827?] Although the date when JM prepared this manuscript must remain uncertain, it could well...
Your letter of the 17. has been duly recd. My respect for every Institution having in view the...
From our former acquaintance, and Being a former Member of the Virginia Legislature With you some...
I am much obliged by your polite attention in sending me the Copies of the Remonstrance in behalf...
As Col. Peyton left Boston unexpectedly he did not receive the parcel of letters, as you...
Your favor of the 15th. was duly recd. I had previously learnt with the feelings due to the...
Inclosed is the promised paper. A more attentive perusal makes me to think I may have underrated...
I pray you to believe that I would not add in the slightest degree to the labors with which you...
Your letter containing the information from Mr. Cooledge on the subject of Mr. Walker, was duly...
Immediately on the rect. of your fav. by Mr. Harrison I wrote to Mr. Johnson, assenting to the...
I have recd. your favor of the 10th. in which you invite from me contributions for the pages of...
I have recd. the copy of your late Treasury Rept. & return my thanks for the kindness to which I...
I just learn that Mr. Eliason owing to some misapprehension has consigned 65 Blbs. of flour on my...
I recd tho’ at a late day your letter of Ocr. 27; on the subject of which I am not able to...
I have recd. yours of the 15th inst: and thank you for your sympathies on the score of my health,...
I return my thanks for the copy of the “Examination of the charges against Mr. Adams and Mr....
I have recd. yours of the 10th. and return the correspondence between Col Mercer and yourself....
Please to deliver to the order of William Allen the flour deposited with you, on my account by...
In pursuance of the duty which has devolved on us, By the concurring voice of the Society which...
On my return home I found Mr. Tucker growing worse, and you have since heard of his death....
I have received your letter of the 9th. and am very sorry that my enquiries of Mr. Trist should...
I have duly recd your favour of the 7th. I now send you a dozen Copies of two Essays on a subject...
In the expectation of finding there a letter from Mr Coolidge, I rode to the post-office...
Your favr of Novr 30. was so delayed that it was not recd till the last mail. We are very...
Yours of the 1st. inst: came on slowly. I return the letter from Mr. Ingersoll whose continued...
I have recd. yours of the 4th. and make my acknowledgt. for the “Descriptions of the four...
I have reccd. yours of the 7th. & shall in concequence direct my flour to be delivered to your...
I have duly received your letter of the 7th. inst: inclosing a list of the missing Journals of...
J. Madison presents his respectful compliments to Governor Giles, with thanks for the publication...
Yours of the 5th., enclosing one from Mr. Johnson having been overlooked as I presume at the post...
While in Washington, a short time since, I was requested by your connection Mrs. Cutts, to...
I have yours of Decr. 2d. with the papers enclosed, relating to the application of Mr J. B....
It has occurred to me that you might not be unwilling to contribute to the pages of the American...
I return my thanks for the copy of your Message to Congress on the 3d. instant. Its very able...
On the rect. of your letter of the 29th Ulto I made up my mind to join the attending Visitors...
I have but this moment received from Mr. Trist your letter of the 3d. and catch a fugitive...
Since the receipt of your two letters of the 5 & 6th. of Ocr. a third with additional proofs in...
I have recd. yours without date, postmarked Novr. 30. It would give me pleasure to assist in...
You will observe from the enclosed note from Mr. White Contractor for printing certain Journals...
The enclosed letter, I received yesterday evening and hasten to forward to you, as well as my...
It is probable that I shall have my crop of Wheat or rather flour sent for sale to Fredg. Be so...
On the rect. of your letter of Novr. 13. proposing for the decision of the Executive Committee...
May I beg your acceptance of the enclosed “Description[”] of the Four paintings which I executed...
Understanding that notice has been given to all the Hotel-Keepers except Mr. Minor that their...