James Madison Papers

To James Madison from Nathan Lufborough, 26 September 1814

From Nathan Lufborough

Comptroller’s office 26. Sepr. 1814

I cannot better make known to the President Mr. Bacon’s “situation and feelings” than by transcribing a part of his letter to me dated at “Newyork 23 Sept. 1814.[”] It is as follows:

“I have progressed thus far on my route to Washington— but in a state of health extremely discouraging and debilitating. My complaints are great debility of body, almost entire prostration of appetite, with a consequent depression of spirits and resolution which can be better felt than described. I feel most sensibly the delicate relation in which I stand this moment to the government, and to my official duties; and this forms an additional source of affliction and depression. If I feel no sensible diminution in my powers tomorrow morning I shall [pursue my journey].1

“I beg of you to make my situation and feelings Known to the President, and to those members of the government who have a right to know the causes of my protracted absence from public duty at a period like the present.”2

For the information of the President I will barely add, that the press of business in the office at this time is not so great as to render a further temporary absence of the Comptroller of any serious public inconvenience.

Nathan Lufborough
acting Comptr.

RC (DLC). Docketed by JM.

1Lufborough’s brackets.

2For Ezekiel Bacon’s departure from Washington, see his letter to JM, 30 Apr. 1814, PJM-PS, description begins Robert A. Rutland et al., eds., The Papers of James Madison: Presidential Series (8 vols. to date; Charlottesville, Va., 1984–). description ends 7:441–42.

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