Thomas Jefferson Papers

To Thomas Jefferson from Thomas Barclay, 27 December 1792

From Thomas Barclay

Cadiz 27th. Decr. 1792


On the 24th. I received under Cover from Mr. Pinckney several papers from Philadelphia, dated the first and eleventh of June, to which the most unremitting attention will be shewn. Affairs in Morocco Continue in the State they were in when I last wrote to you, neither of the Brothers having Moved from his Capital, Nor can we yet learn what the intentions of the Basha’s are, though I have advices from Tangier as late as four days ago, and from Mogadore of the Nineth of this Month. Inclosed are,

A letter to the President to acknowledge the receipt of his Commands of the 11th. of June, a few lines written in the Cypher I received from London, and Copies of what I wrote to you the 17th. and 19th. of this Month. I remain, Sir, Your Most obedient Servant

Thos Barclay

RC (DNA: RG 59, CD); at foot of first page: “Mr. Jefferson”; at foot of text: “Nr. 26 By Philadelphia”; endorsed by TJ as received 25 Feb. 1793 and so recorded in SJL. Dft (disassembled Lb in same); mutilated. Enclosures: (1) Barclay to Washington, 27 Dec. 1792, acknowledging receipt of “your Excellencys Commands of the 11th. of June, to which all deference and attention possible will be shewn” (RC and Dft in disassembled Lb in same). (2) Barclay to TJ, 17, 19, and 27 Dec. 1792.

For the papers received by Barclay, see note to Thomas Pinckney to TJ, 9 Nov. 1792.

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