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Results 20501-20510 of 184,431 sorted by editorial placement
You will herewith receive a copy of a Prospectus of a Biographical work of mine; in which, a Sketch of Your own Character , will thus be Inserted:— [ John Adams Esqr. Late President of the U-States; A Native of Massachusetts;—that State has produced Heroes & great Statesmen—& Philosophers, a Warren , An Adams , a Franklin , &c. Mr. Adams , is a man of Superior, talents,—a correct writer, & an...
I received, with peculiar gratification, your letters, together with the volume and other documents accompanying them, and am not insensible of the obligations under which you have laid me, by the kind attention with which you have been pleased to honour me. I have read with pleasure and interest your instructing letters and am satisfied of the correctness of your opinion respecting the...
My friend Mr Morton informs me, that you wish a few more copies of Novanglus &c, to distribute among your friends. I therefore with pleasure send you four copies, which I beg you to accept as a mark of my respect and veneration. I am Sir / your humble Sert MHi : Adams Papers.
Your kind letter of the 12th. with the invaluable present of your “Appeal from the judgments of Great Britain,” was brought to me last Night. I call it invaluable, for although, I have only had time to hear the dedication and preface read, these are quite sufficient to justify that expression. I have for some time ardently wished to see this publication, and now am gratified to my utmost...
Will you receive my respectful congratulations on your having entered the last year of your seventeenth lustrum , with such a fair prospect of reaching the twentieth which I hope your vigor of body & mind may enable you successfully to accomplish— Having lost that kind parent, who was ever ready to oblige me, and through whose medium I have obtained so much important information from you, I...
Mr John Marston has requested me to write your Honour on a Subject in which I am very sensible I have no colour of right or pretentions to interfere, and on which I am not qualified to form a judgement.— All that I can say is, that I was acquainted with his Father, who had been an Officer in the Conquest of Louisbourg in one thousand seven hundred and forty five, that Mr Marston was himself in...
Will you please to accept a morsel of rusty Antiquity, which I know you cannot and ought not to be read, because your time is imperiously demanded for occupations more important to your Country and Mankind, as well as to yourself. Your learned, and Ingenious Son-in Law Mr Hay, may possibly have a curiosity to look into it—to him I pray you to present my Respectful Complements.— And believe me...
I thank you for your congratulations and kind wishes, the accomplishment of them is on high where I rejoice that it is— Dennis de Brett was a Merchant in London and a dessenter Esteemed among the Protestant Dessenters for which reason I suppose he was appointed Agent - he never gave any proofs of talents or influence - indeed he had none of the latter at Court, nor with the public, nor any...
To receive the approbation of the wise and the good.—To know that we are beloved and esteemed by those whom we respect and regard, are among the sweetest intellectual blessings, the human heart and mind are capable of enjoying. What then must have been my feelings my dear and venerable friend when Lieut Govr Phillips read to me, your excellent letter to him, in which you so kindly, & so...
Three long and dangerous illnesses within the last 12. months must apologise for my long silence towards you. The paper bubble is then burst. this is what you & I, and every reasoning man, seduced by no obliquity of mind, or interest, have long foreseen. yet it’s disastrous effects are not the less for having been foreseen. we were laboring under a dropsical fulness of circulating medium....