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Results 20501-20550 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
Mrs. Renselaaer has requested me to write to you concerning a negro, Ben, formerly belonging to...
I request you will not take any step respecting the land mortgaged by Mr. Holker for Mr. Church’s...
By this post will come to you a letter from General Schuyler, in which you will perceive he has...
Inclosed I send you Mr. Church’s Power of Atty to me to receive his bank dividends &c. and a...
I received your letter with the draft on Mr Ray which I presented immediately. He would not...
[ New York, January 15, 1784. On January 21, 1784, Chaloner wrote to Hamilton : “I have before me...
[ New York, February 5, 1784. On February 12, 1784, Chaloner wrote to Hamilton : “Your two...
On the subject of the Ships I am to request you will sell them on the best Terms you can. I would...
Mr. Hamiltons Compliments to Mr. Chaloner requests to know who is the other joint Morgagee with...
[ New York, February 2, 1785. “I have received your letter with the state of the case enclosed....
March 16th. The above is copy of mine which went by a private hand inclosing the original of a...
Vous nous faites part, Monsieur, par votre Lettre du 10. De ce mois de la demande qui vous a été...
I thank you for the copy of the Iroquois Spelling book , as also for your inaugural oration on...
I thank you for the Indian pamphlets you have been so kind as to send to me. they add to the...
Your letter of the 8th. was recieved in due time. on considering it’s contents it appeared to me...
The preceding is a copy of a letter I wrote & sent you at it’s date, addressed to you near N....
Your favor of Feb. 6. was duly recieved. I am now beginning to get my crop to market where (...
Towards the latter end of the last year Col o Tho s M. Randolph informed me he had in his...
I have been longer than I had hoped in getting my produce to market & sold. it now enables me to...
Your favor of Dec. 27. has been duly recieved, and I now send you a copy of D r Everett’s account...
I have been favored with your letter of the 10 Ulto and feel myself much obliged by the...
To the President and legislative council, the Speaker & House of Representatives of the territory...
Letter not found: to Col. David Chambers, 14 Jan. 1777. Chambers wrote GW on 9 Feb. : “I Observ’d...
The roots of fiorin grass which you were so kind as to forward to me were recieved, with still...
Your favor of Sep. 16. has been duly recieved, and I pray you to accept my thanks for the trouble...
Your first favor of Aug. 13. came to my hands in Virginia and being dated from Mercersburg,...
I have received your letter of the 14th Instt enclosing your account against Mr Ferdinand...
I recd your two Letters of the 23d & 24th as also 5 Horses, sent to the Q.M. Genl. As to the...
I received your favor of the 12th Instant and am well pleased with the account of your...
Valley Forge, February 27, 1778 . Instructs Chambers to cut communications between Philadelphia...
You are aware, that the purposes of the party, under your command, are, as much as possible to...
I have duly received the letter of the 22d. instant with which you were pleased to honour me. I...
Vous me faites l’honneur, Monsieur, de demander mes conseils sur le projet que vous avez conçu,...
I duly received your letter of the 26th. Ult, inclosing a duplicate of one of the 24th. March,...
Tho’ I have not the honor of being known to you by name even, yet the interest you have been so...
ALS (draft): American Philosophical Society I have received your Letter of the 9th Instant,...
I have the honor to inform you, in answer to your enquiries, that a statement of the case of the...
On receipt of the letter you were so kind as to write me, I wrote to M. Limozin to make enquiry...
[ Valley Forge ] February 7, 1778 . Discusses Army’s need for meat. Instructs Champion to...
Morristown [ New Jersey ] June 4, 1779 . Asks Champion to forward all cattle and to continue to...
[ Paris, 13 June 1787 . Entry in SJL reads: “Champion. le Comte de. à l’Abbaye St. Germains des...
The receipt of your favor of the 28th last Month gave me much pleasure as it relieved me from a...
Our affairs are now at a most interesting crisis—The enemy appear to be bending their whole force...
I have had the pleasure of receiving yours of the 18th and 24th April —The Drove of 80 head of...
When Colo. Blaine passed this place, on his way from the Eastward, he informed me, that you had...
We are in a situation of extremity for want of meat. The Troops on several days have been...
While I was on my Journey through the Southern States it was not in my power to acknowledge the...
By an accidental conveyance I recd some time ago the Representation you was pleased to address to...
I have received your letter of the twenty sixth of December. It rests with the President to...
I thank you for your favor of the 22 inst & the two Connecticut gazettes which I have given to...