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Results 20501-20530 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
In hopes that this letter may find you in good health, I take the liberty of addressing you a few lines upon a subject, which is at present of some importance to me and on which I wish, you may be pleased to favor me with your kind advice.— I have been very busy, ever since my return from your place of Residence, with the construction of a Saw Mill and it is now my intention to erect several...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Ayant été informé que Sept étrangers étoient debarqués a Aromanches parroisse Maritime de mon ressort, Je m’y Suis rendu, Suivant le devoir de ma place, et après les informations prises par la voye d’Interprete Je les ay reconnus pour des Americains presque tous de la Province de Rod Island et l’un d’entre eux pour éstre de Boston meme et Capitaine de...
In a letter of Oct. 6. I requested the favor of you to send me Griesbach ’s Greek testament, the 8 vo & full edition, and The New testament in an improved version on the basis of Newcome ’s translation which, altho’ published in Boston , I supposed could be had in Philadelphia . hearing nothing of them I conjecture they are either forgotten or not to be had in Philadelphia . I would rather...
I have had the pleasure to receive your Letter of the 16. of Decr. and I need not express the Satisfaction which the information that it contained afforded me, the Probable termination of the Election of Pr. the general Temper of the Country, & the Effect likely to be produced by Mr. Adet’s notes are such as I had not only hoped but expected; if by prudence & Firmness, which have hitherto kept...
2050512th. (Adams Papers)
By using so little exercice, as I have done for these 18 months; and leading a sedentary life; I have got into a very indifferent state of health: and have determined to attend to nothing further this vacation, than to get into a better way: for this purpose I have begun to take much exercice, from 9 to 1, and from 3 to 6, I was rambling about with my gun. Mr. Gannett and his Lady, got here...
It occurs to me that I have omitted to inform you that after signing the Treaty, I took the three first opportunities which offered of writing to our Minister at Paris, “that it contained an express declaration that nothing contained in it, should be construed or operate against existing Treaties between the United and other powers.[”] The following are Copies of those Letters— It gives me...
Nous avons l’honneur de vous prévenir, qu’en remboursement des interets échus d’un emprunt de ƒ 51000. à 5 p% pour les Etats unis de l’Amerique Septentrionale, nous fournissons ce jour sur M. Grand à Paris, notre traite de V. 1893.1.6 à 3 usances, faisant au change de 52 5/16 Bo.ƒ2475.14.8 ce qui balance cet objet suivant la Notte que nous joignons ici; Nous vous prions Monsieur de vouloir...
AL : D. A. F. H. H. Hartley Russell, on deposit in the Berkshire Record Office (1955) Chas. Moore presents his Complements to Doctor Franklin, and sends the inclosed Papers to him by Order of the Assembly, to be transmitted by the next Packet, to Mr. Hartley, the Member for Hull, some of the Colony Agents, or such other Friends to America, as the Doctor may think most proper. Notation: Mr...
Your servant arrived here the day before yesterday, since which the weather has been showery, & is now threatening & uncertain if tomorrow is promising, Francis will set out. we part with him with more regret after every visit. while the cold weather kept him pretty much in the house, I made him do a little in the Latin grammar, merely to begin to exercise his memory. as soon as you think him...
Upon my arrival here the 25th Ulto I found that men and money were still wanting to fit the Alliance frigate for sea—I immediately insisted on the necessity of an impress, and of having recourse to extraordinary means for the necessary supply of money—The Head of the navy board who is at the same time, a leading member in the house of Representatives gave me such positive assurances on both...
I have subscribed to the alteration in the seventh article of the "Terms & conditions declared on the 17th day of October 1791 for regulating the materials and manner of the buildings and improvements on the lots in the City of Washington" and now enclose it to you. I wish, however, you had declared that so much of the stone walls, on which the railing in the street is to be placed, as shall...
At the moment of receiving the honour of your Dispatch of 21st. May transmitted to me by Mr. Gavino, an opportunity offers for Algarve which I lay hold of to advise Commodore Gales arrival in Gibraltar Bay the first of this Month, with the three Frigates under his Orders; the Enterprise Schooner reached same anchorage on the 26th. June, and Mr. Gavino advises me the whole Squadron proceeded up...
On the 6 th. of this Month was held our General Election for Officers for the Ensuing Year; they are nearly the same as the last, saving a few more Federal Charecters in the Lower-house. Their was Instructions from the Towns of Newport & Providence to their Deputies to use their Influence for a State Convention the Business was taken up, but we soon found Their was no probability of succeding,...
I return you the contract with Dinsmore & Nelson which I approve of for the strong reasons assigned in your letter. I think my colleagues, as well as myself are very desirous of being able at certain stages of the work to ascertain the exact state of our funds, that we may stop where they fail. the having to bring measures from Philadelphia may be some obstruction to that. but I presume we may...
Extract: reprinted from Collections of the Historical Society of Pennsylvania, 1 (1853), 126. Franklin’s letter is known only by this extract quoted in a letter from William Franklin to Charles Thomson, October 3, 1765. The New Jersey governor introduced the passage in these words: “As a farther proof that my father had no hand in the Stamp Act, I will give you an extract of a letter I...
You will receive enclosed Ten dollars the sum lent me, together with a small Packet which I will thank you to forward in your mail,—   I have not yet seen many people in the Districk, but from the enquiries I have made & the information I have received, the public opinion is much more favorable to the Embargo than was to be expected, they all prefer it to a state of war, & will bear its...
I receivd your favor of the 1st of March a few days ago, and attended particularly to your direction concerning the two officers in my Regiment, I have seen Mr Armistead and have informed him of what you directed me to do, and have appointed in his room, Mr Presly Thornton, Son to Colo. Anthony Thornton. I have writen to Mr Stith on the Subject, though I believe, he was never in the Army, he...
I have just receivd a Letter from Governor Greene upon the recall of Glovers brigade from the State of Rhode Island. I shall make no comments upon it. The weak and distressed condition of the State your Excellency is as well acquainted with as I am. You are also equally as well acquainted with the Enemies force being greatly superior to that of ours all this was known at the time the order was...
I have received your letters of the 26th ult: & 1st Instt —The objection stated by you to the appointment of Mr Spence being conclusive, I now enclose a letter from Mr Wingate to me recommendatory of another Candidate, with my answer occasioned by the previous appointment of Mr Woodbury Langdon—but should that Gentleman finally determine not to accept, and you learn, on enquiry, that Colo....
My Brigade has cross’d the River & advanced as far as this place, the best accts I have been able to collect inform that the Enemy lay Just below orrange Town (theire is a report that a large party is gone to take possession of the pass in the Clove, but this wants confirmation) I shall keep partys out for inteligence, & move with expedition & caution to the neighbourhood of Clarkstown, unless...
My last Letters went by my Son Winslow who left this place about three weeks ago for Amsterdam and I hope will soon be Able to deliver them to you at Paris. At that Time I flattered myself that we should be Able to hold Charlestown, but you will find before this reaches you that the Enemy have got it, with the four Continental Ships that were ordered there last Novemr. This is a great...
You are to proceed to The Two ferry’s near Trentown and to see all the boats there put in the best Order with a sufficiency of Oars and poles and at the same time to Collect all the Additional Boats you [can] from both above and below and have them brought to those ferry’s and Secured for the purpose of Carrying over the Troops & Baggage in most expeditious Manner: & for this purpose you will...
Transcript: Library of Congress I received lately the very valuable Voyage of the late Captain Cooke, kindly sent to me by your Lordship, in consideration of my Good-will in issuing Orders towards the protection of that illustrious Discoverer from any Interruption in his Return home by American Cruisers. The Reward vastly exceeds the small Merit of the Action, which was no more than a Duty to...
We have the Honor herewith to transmit a copy of a Letter with sundry enclosures just received by us from Jacob Gibson Esqr. of Talbot County. From these papers, of the correctness of which we entertain no doubt, it appears that the Enemy visited Sharpe’s Island, of which he is Proprietor, last week, Kept the Possession thereof for several days and took therefrom such supplies, as they were in...
2052523 Saturday. (Adams Papers)
At Colledge, a Clowdy morning, and in the afternoon, Came up a Clowd of thunder and lightning. Towards night fell a very hard shower.
Since the arrival of Mr Monroe, the frequency of his dispatches to you & the view he is known to possess of all our interests; render it unnecessary for me to trouble you as formerly with frequent, & probably what were very tedious letters: Perhaps too at this crisis it woud on all other accounts be proper to leave wholly to his more matured & exercised judgement & discretion, the treatment of...
I thank you for your favour of the 3d. and congratulate you on your success; which I hope and believe will be an honourable and a noble Establishment, though it may not be so lucrative as I wish it, for Life There is a coincidence of circumstances which affects me very sensibly. A son of Governor Trumbull so meritorious and so conspicuous a character in the Revolution; an Officer of Rank and...
I have just recd yours of the 24. with the articles referred to in it. Subjoined is a list of what you will be kind eno’ to send by the bearer. I am not sure that some of them may not be out of the range of your plan of business. In that case you will not be again troubled with such. I return the rect for the last load of Tobo. and wish you to retain the ensuing rects. I am sorry to find the...
I have the honor to inform you, in answer to your enquiries, that a statement of the case of the Brig Matilda, was sent by this Department, some time ago to the Minister Plenipotentiary of the United States at London, with a request to him to have it submitted to the Government of Sweden, thro’ its Representative in London. This was accordingly done. From information, since received, it...
In reviewing the defects of the existing confederation, and shewing that they cannot be supplied by a government of less energy than that before the public, several of the most important principles of the latter fell of course under consideration. But as the ultimate object of these papers is to determine clearly and fully the merits of this constitution, and the expediency of adopting it, our...