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Results 20501-20510 of 184,431 sorted by author
Gibraltar, 13 Dec. 1791 . He was compelled to put in here on 4 Dec. by contrary winds and hopes to resume his journey to Tangier today. He does not know where he will meet the Emperor, who by last accounts had apparently set out from Larach to Mequinez. RC ( DNA : RG 59, CD ); 1 p.
Lisbon, 23 Nov. 1791 . He wrote on the 20th that he had hired a vessel for Tangier. The weather has been very boisterous but he hopes to sail for Tangier in five or six days. Yesterday he received the enclosed letter from Francis Chiappe, who is on his way to Madrid with peace propositions from the Emperor. He hopes to meet Chiappe in Tangier and will prolong his stay there to do so. RC ( DNA...
I shou’d have waited on you myself, but seeing some Carriages at your door I Concluded you were engaged. I have seen Mr. Van Arp, who says there is no other way of your giving a Guarrentee, that will have any force in it, but doing it before a Notary and Evidences. I am of opinion that to remove all shaddow of objection you had better do it in their own way; and if you think with me, the...
I wrote you the 26 th. of last Month and expected to have followed my Letter in a Week, but several unforeseen Matters have hitherto detained us; however I expect we shall set out tomorrow or the day following. The 13 th. Instant the Treaty was sent to me by the Effendi since which some important alterations have been made which the Villainy & carelessness of the Talbe Houdrani (to whom the...
Lisbon, 28 Oct. 1791 . He is waiting to find passage on a ship to Gibraltar or any part of the Mediterranean but this is difficult because any ship arriving in Italy from Gibraltar must be quarantined for ten days. He hopes nevertheless to proceed on his mission in a week. “At present I need only observe that the character of the present Emperor is very different from that of his predecessor,...
I Have Not had the pleasure of addressing You since My arrival at this place, being hitherto without any thing to say worth Your Attention. Mr. Lamb was Embarked for Minorca before I got here, but as he is in Correspondance with Mr. Montgomery, I was in hopes of learning through that Channel, the possibility of our Meeting before I shou’d return to France, a Matter that I am of opinion might...
I Beleive you will be much pleased to hear that I am going to Draw a Very Troublesom family from your Neighborhood. My Stay in America must unavoidably be longer than I intended, and therefore I think it Best that Mrs. Barclay and the Children join me here. I have not settled my accounts with Congress though they have been ready for Inspection for some time. The balance due to me from the...
On the 24th. I received under Cover from Mr. Pinckney several papers from Philadelphia, dated the first and eleventh of June, to which the most unremitting attention will be shewn. Affairs in Morocco Continue in the State they were in when I last wrote to you, neither of the Brothers having Moved from his Capital, Nor can we yet learn what the intentions of the Basha’s are, though I have...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I had the honour of writing to you the 25th. and have not had the pleasure of hearing from you since yours of the 12th. inst. reach’d me— The situation of the Goods sold by Mr. Gillon is such that I hardly know what is best to be done, for having made my self as much master of the subject as I cou’d, I am of opinion it is only from Mr Gillon himself that...
Gibraltar, 28 May 1792 . He encloses three papers received yesterday in a 6 Apr. letter from Captain O’Bryen in Algiers. The same letter covered two petitions from the American captives in Algiers, one for the Speaker of the Senate and the other for the Speaker of the House. He also encloses a copy of a letter he wrote this day to William Carmichael.—He corrects the information on Algerine...