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Results 20501-20550 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
Letter not found: from Robert Morris, 7 Sept. 1776. On 12 Sept. GW wrote to Morris : “I have been...
I am going tomorrow Morning on an Errand to Lord Howe not to beg a Pardon, I assure you, but to...
AL (draft): American Philosophical Society Whitehall had entrusted the peace mission to Lord Howe...
ALS : Yale University Library The Congress having appointed Mr. Adams, Mr. Rutledge and my self,...
ALS : American Philosophical Society As I was yesterday informed that my letter of thursday was...
20506General Orders, 8 September 1776 (Washington Papers)
Alexander McIntire of Capt. Newall’s Company, James Butler of Capt: Dalley’s Company and John...
I have this day wrote to the President of the Convention of New York requesting that an Aid of...
Inclosed I Send you A Return of the Number of men at Each of the Fortifications in the Highlands...
The Congress having appointed Mr Adams, Mr Rutledge & my self, to meet Lord Howe, and hear what...
Since I had the honour of addressing you on the 6th Instt I have called a Council of the General...
I am this Minute honored with your Favour of the 6th Inst.; and am to acknowledge the Receipt of...
I have lately reciev’d information (on which I can in some measure rely) that it is impracticable...
I have received your letter by Genll Roberdeau of the 8th of Sept., and am sorry to hear of your...
Yesterday I was honored with your two Favors of the 20th Ultimo and 4th Instant, the former Mr...
I have just reciev’d the resolve of your Convention respecting the removal of the bells belonging...
I wrote you this Morning by your Express, but forgot to mention a Matter of Consequence. It being...
I ^ am ^ very anxious about our Situation at NYork, I should have gone off this day but M r Lewis...
20518[Monday September 9, 1776.] (Adams Papers)
Monday September 9, 1776. Resolved, that in all Continental Commissions, and other Instruments...
Received, another of your kind Favours on Monday last, for which I thank You, the Demands of my...
20520General Orders, 9 September 1776 (Washington Papers)
Elias Matthew appointed Quarter Master to Tyler’s regiment. Gardiner Carpenter appointed Pay...
By Two Persons who Came from Long-Island this morning (who we have Employed for the purpose of...
At half after ten this Morning I received a Letter from General Gates, Copy whereof I inclose...
I have the honor of your favor of the 5th instant and am sorry to say that from the best...
Your Excellency’s letters of the 8th instant this moment arrived, and we are happy to inform you...
20525[September 1776] (Adams Papers)
Took with me to N.Y. 51 dollars and 5s. 8d. Pen. Currency in Change. An isolated entry in...
20526Sept. 10. (Adams Papers)
Took with me to N.Y. 51 dollars and 5s. 8d. Pen. Currency in Change. An isolated entry in...
ALS : Bruce Gimelson, Chalfont, Pa. (1978) It is possible that a Line from Lord Howe may be left...
Copy: Library of Congress Lord Howe presents his compliments to Dr. Franklin, and according to...
20529General Orders, 10 September 1776 (Washington Papers)
Major Popst of Col. Kackleins Battalion having been tried by a Court Martial whereof Col....
Yours of the 8th of this Inst. I just Receiv’d and am Glad to hear your Excellency has Ordered a...
I tak liberty to Inform your Excy of my Safe arival Into Norwick last Evning, With two Sea...
Your Letter of 8th Inst. is now under the Consideration of Congress; as soon as they have come to...
I have just returned from Frog’s Point, Hunt’s point & Morrisania—I find the Enemy have been all...
When Your Excellency was pleased to request the Militia of this State to be sent forward with all...
I have not been favord, with any from you for sometime. As to News of any consequence this way,...
AD : New York Public Library The committee appointed by Congress left Philadelphia on September...
20537General Orders, 11 September 1776 (Washington Papers)
Robt Williams of Col. Glovers Regiment is appointed Pay Master to said regiment. William Arnold...
Letter not found: to the Continental Congress Committee of Conference or Edward Rutledge, 11...
Letter not found: from the Continental Congress Committee of Conference, 11 Sept. 1776. In a...
The Situation of the Army under your Excellency’s Command is in our Opinions so critical &...
I was yesterday honored with your favor of the 8th Instt accompanied by Sundry Resolutions of...
Since my last by Lieutenant Smith I have been able to collect no assisstance, the Malitia of...
I have received your favour by Colo. Weedon. As it seems every day more Probable that the Posts...
Your Favour of this Morning is just put into my Hands —in Answer I must beg Leave to inform you...
20545General Orders, 12 September 1776 (Washington Papers)
The difficulty of procuring Milk, and other proper Food for the sick, has induced the General to...
20546Council of War, 12 September 1776 (Washington Papers)
At a Council of War held at Gen. McDougals Qua⟨rters⟩ Sept. 12. 1776. Present His Excelly Gen....
In Consequence of a Motion made in a late Counsel of Genl Officers (in which Contrary to former...
I have before me your two Letters of the 8th and 10th Inst. the first inclosing Returns of the...
Letter not found: to Joshua Davis, 12 Sept. 1776. The letter that Davis wrote to GW on 10 Sept....
His Excellency being called from Head Quarters to day on business of Importance which prevents...