Benjamin Franklin Papers

To Benjamin Franklin from Thomas Barclay, 27 June 1782

From Thomas Barclay

LS: American Philosophical Society

Amsterdam 27th. June 1782.


Since my last Covering Messrs. De Neufvilles accounts7 I have not had the honour of a Letter from your Excellency; Captain Smedley has I expect this day got his Vessell over the Sand Banks that interupt the Navigation of the River Y8 and will in a few days be able to put to Sea he is tolerably well Man’d and with the assistance of a few more people who I believe he will procure in a day or two he shall proceed.

I have Ship’d on board the Brigantine Sukey Mosses Grinnell Master for Boston9 about 2400 suits of Soldiers Cloathing, the amount of the last 33 Bales which I bought together with Two Bales of Blanketts of the Marquis De la Fayette’s Cargo which I took a 5 / 9 sterling per Pair, Two Boxes of White Cloth which I Purchased to replace Some of the Same Kind which Messrs. De Neufville returned to us as English, and the freight per the Sukey a 12½ per Cent, amount to upwards of £2000 Sterling, and therefore of this date I have valued on you as under, favour of Messrs. Ingraham & Bromfield at 40 days Sight, for the following Sum making together 13333½ Ecus or 40 Thousand Livers—which please to honour.1

I have likewise Shiped by the Brigantine Elizabeth John Cornelieus Master for Philadelphia 63 Chests of Shirts and 30 Bales of Blanketts, this Vessell will proceed under Neutral Colours, and I have ordered £3000 Stg. Insurance to be made a 17 per Cent which is 13 per Cent under the premium paid on American Vessells, I am to pay Freight on this Vessell 12½ per Cent Value on the Shirts and 20 per Cent on the Blankets—2

I have the honour to be with the greatest respect Sir your Excellency’s most obedient, most Humble Servant

Thos Barclay

No. 15 1333⅓ Ecus
16 1600
17 1400
18 1500
19 1200
20 1500
21 1000
22 1000
23 1000
24 1800

His Excellency Benjamin Franklin Esqre

Endorsed: Barclay June 27. 82

[Note numbering follows the Franklin Papers source.]

7Above, June 17.

8Or Ij, an arm of the Zuider Zee.

9The Sukey, commanded by Moses Grinnell, reached Boston safely: Morris Papers, VI, 418.

1The 40,000 l.t. were not paid until Oct. 8: Account XXVII (XXXII, 4).

2The Elizabeth was captured by the British and taken to New York: Morris Papers, VII, 314n.

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