Alexander Hamilton Papers

From Alexander Hamilton to John Chaloner, [1 March 1786]

To John Chaloner

[New York, March 1, 1786]

Dr Sir

I inclose you a letter to Mr. Wilcox1 which after reading and noting the contents please to deliver to him.

There are three ships I think in which Mr. Church2 is concerned ⅛ with Mr. Wilcox and others.3 You will oblige him if you will endeavour to sell his interest for any thing short of giving them away. I have full power to convey & will do whenever you can find a pur⟨chaser⟩. Perhaps Mr. Wilcox will buy. You probably know the ships.4 Let me hear from you on the subject.

I am D Sir   Your obed & hum ser

Alex Hamilton

Let me hear from you; pray deliver the Inclosed as soon as it comes to hand.

ALS, Historical Society of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia.

1Letter not found. See John Wilcocks to H, March 5, 1786.

2John Wilcocks, a merchant of Philadelphia, had earlier been associated with affairs in which H was indirectly concerned. James Lytton of St. Croix, H’s uncle, had appointed Wilcocks as one of the executors of estates he owned in North America.

3John B. Church returned to America in June, 1785, to settle his business affairs. His partnership with Jeremiah Wadsworth was dissolved in July, 1785, and he returned to England the following month. H was given the responsibility of terminating Church’s affairs in the United States. Among the affairs of the company to be settled was the liquidation of the shipping ventures owned jointly by Wadsworth and Church.

4The ships in which Church had an interest are described in Wilcocks to H, March 5, 1786.

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