Alexander Hamilton Papers

Circular to Certain Recruiting Officers, 6 June 1799

Circular to Certain Recruiting Officers, 6 June 1799

New York June 6. 1799

The Superintendence of the Recruiting service every where being under my direction you will hereafter communicate with me concerning it and make your returns to me. I send you the new a sett of new instructions to you which you are strictly to conform in whatsoever is applicable relative to your situation.

With consideration I am ⟨Sir⟩ yr. Obed Servant

Capt Callender Irvine Carlisle Pensylvania A
Captain William Macrea Alexandria Virginia A ⟨H⟩
Captain Samuel Eddins Richmond do. A ⟨H⟩
Captain John Bishop Winchester do A ⟨H⟩
Lieutenant John Hancock Norfolk do A
Lieutenant Merriwether Lewis Charlottesville do— I
Lt. John Fergus Junior Wilmington N Carolina A
Lt. Patrick Harris— do. A
Capt. Francis K. Heeger Charles Town South Carolina— ⟨H⟩
Lt. William Deveaux Savannah Georgia— A
Lieutenant Peter Shoemaker Frederick Town I

(ADf, Hamilton Papers, Library of Congress).

Index Entries