George Washington Papers

Circular to Certain New England Governments, 25 July 1776

Circular to Certain New England Governments

New York July 25th 1776


Congress having empowered me to appoint suitable places of Rendezvous for the Battallions raising in your Government for the Northern Army and to communicate the same to you, also to advance them One Months pay &c. as you will perceive by the Inclosed Copy of their Resolution which I have the honor to Transmit,1 I must request the favor of you to direct them to march by Companies as they are raised to Skeenesborough, and there receive orders and Instructions for their conduct from the Officer Commanding the Northern Army, and also to advance the months pay and take every necessary measure for forwarding their March and complying with the purport of the said Resolve, assuring you that whatever money may be advanced necessarily in carrying the same into execution shall be repaid to your Order.

Before I conclude I cannot but confess that I do not clearly Understand what Battallions Congress allude to and there fore beg leave to refer you to the requisition I presume they made you upon the Subject. I am Gentn with great respect Your Most Obedt Servt

Go: Washington

LS, to the Massachusetts General Court, in Robert Hanson Harrison’s writing, M-Ar: Revolution Letters; LB, to Jonathan Trumbull, Sr., Ct: Trumbull Papers; LB, DLC:GW; Varick transcript, DLC:GW. The LB in DLC:GW is addressed “to the General Court of Masst. Bay” and is followed by a memorandum reading: “Similar Letters to Govr Trumbull & New Hampshire Convention.” The wording of the LB in DLC:GW is the same as that of the LS. The LB in the Trumbull Papers differs slightly in wording from the LS in some places but retains the same meaning.

A memorandum at the end of the LS reads: “In Committee of Council Augt 6th 1776 Read & Ordered that Samuel Holton Esqr. be directed to draught a Letter in Answer to the Above & Report thereon. Jno: Avery Dpy Secy.” For that reply, see a Committee of the Massachusetts Council to GW, 7 August. For Trumbull’s reply, see his letter to GW of 5–6 August.

1Congress resolved on 8 July that “General Washington be impowered to appoint suitable places of Rendezvous for the new Battalions raising for Canada, and communicate the same to the Assemblies of New Hampshire, Massachusetts Bay, Connecticut, & New York. Also to issue his Orders for supplying the Men with Rations, Tents, Month’s Advance Pay, & other necessaries” (M-Ar: Revolution Letters; see also the copy of the resolution in DLC:GW, which was enclosed in Hancock to GW, 8 July, and JCC description begins Worthington Chauncey Ford et al., eds. Journals of the Continental Congress, 1774-1789. 34 vols. Washington, D.C., 1904–37. description ends , 5:528).

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