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Results 20451-20500 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
No. Author Recipient Title Date Context
20451 Washington, George McClanahan, Thomas From George Washington to Thomas McClanahan, 19 June … 1758-06-19 You are forewith to March with all convenient Expedition to the Fort on the South Branch; at...
20452 Boylston, Ward Nicholas Adams, John To John Adams from Ward Nicholas Boylston, 15 January … 1821-01-15 I call’d this morning upon The Treasurer of the Commonwealth—and rec’d of him Eight Dollars— to...
20453 Jefferson, Thomas Proclamation re Military Expeditions against Spain, 27 … 1806-11-27 Par Le President des Etats-Unis de L’Amerique. Proclamation. D’autant qu’on a été informé que...
20454 Hamilton, Alexander Washington, George From Alexander Hamilton to George Washington, 15 … 1799-02-15 The Secretary at War has communicated to me the following disposition with regard to the...
20455 Franklin, Benjamin Senneville, ——, marquise de Gérente de From Benjamin Franklin to the Marquise de Senneville … 1777-06-06 AL (draft): Library of Congress It would be a Pleasure to me if I could in this Instance show the...
20456 Vaughan, William Adams, John To John Adams from William Vaughan, 17 August 1807 1807-08-17 I feel a pleasure in forwarding to you the second part of the Transactions of the Philosophical...
20457 Hamilton, Alexander Washington, George From Alexander Hamilton to George Washington, 9 … 1792-09-09 I had the honor of writing to you by the post of Monday last, and then transmitted sundry papers...
20458 Washington, George Randolph, Edmund From George Washington to Edmund Randolph, 22 July 1795 1795-07-22 Both your letters, dated the 17th instt, found me at this place, where I arrived on Monday. The...
20459 Franklin, Benjamin Incoming Philadelphia Mail, 1767–1768 1767-05-12 Printed forms with MS insertions: American Philosophical Society Among the Franklin Papers is a...
20460 Montmorin, Comte de Short, William Enclosure: Comte de Montmorin to William Short, 24 … 1791-01-24 J’ai reçu, Monsieur, la lettre que vous m’avez fait l’honneur de m’écrire le 19. du mois. Les...
20461 Washington, George McDougall, Alexander George Washington to Major General Alexander McDougall … 1779-06-23 [ New Windsor, New York ] June 23, 1779 . Has directed Major General Israel Putnam to advance a...
20462 Washington, George Clinton, Henry From George Washington to General Henry Clinton, 4 … 1779-09-04 I have the honor of taking the earliest opportunity to transmit your Excellency two letters from...
20463 Jefferson, Thomas Washington, George To George Washington from Thomas Jefferson, 30 July … 1791-07-30 I have the honour to inclose for your perusal a letter which I have prepared for mister Short....
20464 Crowninshield, Benjamin W. Madison, James To James Madison from Benjamin W. Crowninshield, 27 … 1815-09-27 Your esteemed favour has been rec’d, dated 18 Inst. I wrote you, Capt Stewart had declined the...
20465 Committee of the Virginia Assembly 109. A Bill for Recovering Demands of Small Value in a … 1779-06-18 Be it enacted by the General Assembly, that any debt, or penalty, amounting to more than twenty...
20466 Madison, James Van Buren, Martin James Madison to Martin Van Buren, 13 May 1828 1828-05-13 Perceiving that I am indebted to you for a copy of the Report to the Senate relating to the...
20467 Managers of the Pennsylvania Hospital Koplin, Matthias Managers of the Pennsylvania Hospital to Matthias … 1751-10-05 Draft: Pennsylvania Hospital The first real estate the Pennsylvania Hospital owned was a lot in...
20468 Cary, Archibald Washington, George To George Washington from Archibald Cary, 22 October … 1781-10-22 That I have not been down to pay my Respects to you, Since your return to Virginia, has been...
20469 Washington, George General Orders, 3 January 1783 1783-01-03 For the day tomorrow Major Oliver, Major Trescott For duty tomorrow, the Maryland Detachment The...
20470 Shippen, William Jr. Washington, George To George Washington from William Shippen, Jr., 15 … 1777-11-15 I am very sorry to be obliged to trouble your Excellency by letter, but the subject is...
20471 Protestant Episcopal Church of Boston Madison, James To James Madison from the Protestant Episcopal Church … 1816-08-14 The Protestant Episcopal Church of St Matthews, lately incorporated at So Boston, have been able...
20472 Washington, Lund Washington, George To George Washington from Lund Washington, 29 October … 1775-10-29 On Sunday last I got three Letters from you dated the 2d 7th and 9th of Octbr —Mrs Washington...
20473 Jefferson, Thomas Enclosure: Thomas Jefferson’s Account with William … 1810-01-26 Copy of the statement of paiments furnished by Col o Bentley . ‘the following paiments have been...
20474 Ellicott, Andrew Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Andrew Ellicott, 18 April 1803 1803-04-18 A few days ago I received a letter from Mr. John Vaughan from which the following is an extract,...
20475 Jefferson, Thomas Clarke, James Thomas Jefferson to James Clarke, 5 September 1820 1820-09-05 I have duly recieved your favor of the 1 st instant requesting my opinion of the merits of your...
20476 Hamilton, Alexander Wilkinson, James From Alexander Hamilton to James Wilkinson, 23 May 1799 1799-05-23 I begin now to be anxious to learn that you had received my letter desiring you to repair to the...
20477 Rush, Richard Jefferson, Thomas Richard Rush to Thomas Jefferson, 12 June 1813 1813-06-12 I received, yesterday, your favor of the 31. of last month , and beg leave to return my warm...
20478 Hamilton, Alexander Washington, George From Alexander Hamilton to George Washington, [27 … 1792-11-27 The Secretary of the Treasury presents his respects to the President. The execution of the...
20479 Scott, Gustavus Washington, George To George Washington from Gustavus Scott, 18 November … 1795-11-18 Since my Return from Annapolis, tho’ generaly in the City from 9 to 3 OClock I have not been...
20480 DuVal, William Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from William DuVal, 19 June 1806 1806-06-19 As soon as I can obtain an Authenticated Copy of the Will and Codicil of Mr Geo. Wythe, decd. I...
20481 Jay, John Hamilton, Alexander John Jay and Rufus King to Alexander Hamilton and Henry … 1793-11-26 You will recieve herewith enclosed a Publication by M r Genet denying his having declared that he...
20482 Washington, George [Diary entry: 15 April 1760] 1760-04-15 Tuesday April 15th. Sent Tom and Mike to Alexandria in my Boat for 20 or 25 Bushels of Oats. Went...
20483 Jefferson, Thomas Franklin, Benjamin From Thomas Jefferson to Benjamin Franklin, 14 August … 1786-08-14 I received your favor of March 20. and much satisfaction from it. I had been alarmed with the...
20484 Walpole, Thomas Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from Thomas Walpole, 16 March 1775 1775-03-16 ALS and copy: Library of Congress Franklin’s anger at the ministry did not rob him of all...
20485 Washington, George Maxwell, William From George Washington to Brigadier General William … 1779-11-01 I was yesterday favd with yours of the 30th by Capt. Wool acquainting me with your being upon the...
20486 Digges, Thomas Attwood Washington, George To George Washington from Thomas Attwood Digges, 12 … 1791-11-12 I hope Your Excellency will forgive my intrusion upon Your more important concerns when my...
20487 Hamilton, Alexander Washington, George To George Washington from Alexander Hamilton, 19 April … 1794-04-19 The Secretary of the Treasury presents his respects to the President of the United States, and...
20488 Adams, John Wheaton, Henry From John Adams to Henry Wheaton, 7 February 1821 1821-02-07 My best thanks are due to you, for your Anniversary discourse before the historical society in...
20489 Crowninshield, Benjamin W. Madison, James To James Madison from Benjamin W. Crowninshield, 25 … 1815-02-25 § From Benjamin W. Crowninshield. 25 February 1815, Navy Department. “The promotions and...
20490 Madison, James Lucas, John B. C. From James Madison to John B. C. Lucas (Abstract), 22 … 1805-03-22 C. Lucas. 22 March 1805, Department of State . “The President of the United States being desirous...
20491 Adams, John Quincy, Josiah, III From John Adams to Josiah, III Quincy, 25 November 1808 1808-11-25 I owe you a thousand thanks, to speak in the good old English form of civility, for the Speech...
20492 Madison, James Jefferson, Thomas From James Madison to Thomas Jefferson, [ca. 11 … 1790-02-11 By the last mail I acknowledged the receipt of your favor of the 9th. Ult: and hazarded a few...
20493 Pendleton, Edmund Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Edmund Pendleton, 24 February … 1799-02-24 My blessings for my Countrey, such as they are, are not, like the old Patriarchs, confined to...
20494 Yancey, Joel Jefferson, Thomas Joel Yancey to Thomas Jefferson, 12 March 1821 1821-03-12 Nace sets off this morning for Montcello with 2 beaves and six muttons, the beeves are not as fat...
20495 Bowen, Jabez Washington, George To George Washington from Jabez Bowen, 16 September … 1782-09-16 We have Intelligence thro’ a pretty good Channel, that the Enemy intend paying us a Visit in...
20496 Collinson, Thomas Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from Thomas Collinson, 22 May 1784 1784-05-22 ALS : American Philosophical Society The Bearer of this Mr Thos Hill, a Gentleman with whom I...
20497 Luckey, George Madison, James To James Madison from George Luckey, 8 December 1812 1812-12-08 Many strange & unexpected things have happened since I received Your last favour. The present...
20498 Madison, James Motion for Complete Non-Intercourse with Great Britain … 1781-03-16 MS ( NA : PCC , No. 36, I, 123, 129–30). Written by JM. Docketed by Charles Thomson, “Motion of...
20499 Wolcott, Oliver, Jr. Adams, John To John Adams from Oliver Wolcott, Jr., 25 September … 1798-09-25 I have complied with your direction by sending under cover to the Post Master of Philadelphia an...
20500 Eppes, Francis Jefferson, Thomas [To Thomas Jefferson from Francis Eppes, 11 April 1786] 1786-04-11 [ Eppington, 11 Apr. 1786 . Entered in SJL as received 29 June 1786. Not found.]