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Results 2041-2070 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
As the Assembly voted a chain of Forts to be built on the Frontiers for the protection of the...
You are to proceed with your Company to the Fort, now commanded by Captain William Cox; and take...
You are, with the men under your command, to escort the Waggons sent with you, to Pearsalls Fort;...
2044Memorandum, 13 July 1756 (Washington Papers)
Memorandum— Wrote to Captains Hamilton, Minor, Baylis, Fields; and to Lieutenant Neugent—that the...
Coll Lee having applyed to me for orders for a further Draft of his Militia, to make up the...
2046Orders, 14 July 1756 (Washington Papers)
Morning Orders. One Captain, two Subalterns, three Sergeants, and forty-five privates, to parade...
2047Orders, 18–21 July 1756 (Washington Papers)
All the Officers in town are to hold themselves in readiness to join their respective companies,...
2048[July 1756] (Adams Papers)
Sat out for Boston. Borrowed the Idea of a Patriot King of Ned. Quincy. Rode to Cambridge. Lodgd....
2049July. 1756. 19. Monday. (Adams Papers)
Sat out for Boston. Borrowed the Idea of a Patriot King of Ned. Quincy. Rode to Cambridge. Lodgd....
205020 Tuesday. (Adams Papers)
Eliot and Trumble lodged here with me.
205121 Wednesday. (Adams Papers)
Kept School.—I am now entering on another Year, and I am resolved not to neglect my Time as I did...
I received your several letters of the 14th 25th & 26th ultimo, and that of the 3d of February,...
List of Tools intended for Capt. Hogg Sent Wanting Fifty narrow axes 50 Twelve broad ditto 6 6...
As The Assembly has voted a chain of Forts to be built on the Frontiers, The Governor has orderd...
I have yours of the 27th ultimo: and in answer, you will observe, that the few men enlisted by...
Yours of the 24th ultimo—With regard to your and Captain Bells Accompts, I did not chuse to...
You are to use your utmost endeavours with the men under your command, to gather in all the...
2058Memorandum, 21 July 1756 (Washington Papers)
Thomas Easly, a Draught from Amelia-County, was discharged; being in a desponding state of...
I now enclose you the plans promised in my last; which if you observe, you can not possibly err....
Letter not found: from Robert Stewart, 21 July 1756. On 22 July 1756 GW wrote to Stewart: “This...
206122 Thurdsday. (Adams Papers)
Fast day. Rose not till 7 o clock. This is the usual Fate of my Resolutions! Wrote the 3 first...
AD : Huntington Library The Frontier of Pensilvania, from Delaware to the Maryland Line is now...
2063Orders, 22 July 1756 (Washington Papers)
Mr Gists waggon (and another, if it be found necessary) to be immediately loaded for Conogochieg,...
Herewith I enclose you two plans of the kind of Forts that are intended to be built—one of the...
We have repeated Advices of the Desertio⟨n⟩ of our Militia, wherefore We have had a Meeting of...
206623 Friday. (Adams Papers)
Rose at 7. Wrote the 2 last Chapters of St. James. Spent the Evening at the Majors and drank Tea...
2067Orders, 23 July 1756 (Washington Papers)
The Quarter-master is to take into his charge, all the Stores which are now in the commissarys...
Letter not found: to Benjamin Franklin, 23 July 1756. On 19 Aug. 1756 Franklin wrote to GW: “I...
Your favour of the 11th June I Received at this place the 14th Inst. for wh. I am Very much...
Your favours of yesterday Covering the Plan of a Fort to be Erected between Sleepy Creek &...