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Results 2031-2040 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
2031[Diary entry: 11 January 1785] (Washington Papers)
Tuesday 11th. Mercury at 38 in the Morning 40 at Noon & 44 at Night. Until Noon it was foggy, with but little wind. Afternoon it cleared, & was very pleasant. The wind pretty fresh from the So. West—which bringing the Ice to the Shore again I renewed the Work of filling my dry Well with it by assembly Carts & hands from my Plantations.
I have just the pleasure of receiving yours of Yesterday. I shall give the Deputy Qr Master General Orders to have the Cloathing both New and old brought up to the Army, and have it distributed as it is most wanted. But you may depend, if the old Cloaths which have been so charitably contributed by the Inhabitants of Philadelphia, can answer the present Necessities of the other Regiments, that...
24 January 1805, Department of State. “Be pleased to issue your warrant on the appropriation for the relief & protection of American Seamen for $985.41—in favor of D. Bethune, as assignee of Dr. Gourly, it being for a bill of exchange for £221.14.42 Sterling dated the 17th. Octr. 1804, and drawn by M: Lamar Esqr. Consul of the U. States at Madeira in favor of the said Dr. Gourlay, the sd....
I take the liberty of addressing a few lines to you in consequence of the conversation that passed when I had the pleasure of being last in your Company. when speaking of the advantage of a Snuff Manufactory in this City, you remarked the Superior quality of your Tobacco. since I had the pleasure of seeing you, I have my Mill at work, and have no doubt of a living. I can get any quantity I...
2035[Diary entry: 21 August 1762] (Washington Papers)
21. Recd. 70 Bags of Salt—abt. 280 Bushels.
The manuscripts, & pamphlets, which I had the forwardness to offer you will probably be of no use to you. You have perhaps all possible information relative to the western members of this empire. My object, you will doubtless believe, was an honest intention to promote the welfare of the land which gave me birth, where all my friends live—& friendship to yourself. If you have condescended to...
Mathematics, Natl Philosophy Natural history till VIII. aclock in the morning Law from VIII. to XII. the first [2 hours] or 3 ½ […] the [longer works] in the 1st. column and the [residue] reading […] in the 2d column. large works tracts. Pike’s arithmetic Coke’s four institutes Perkins Mussenbroeck, or Martin’s Phil. Brit. or Nicholson. Coke’s repr Doctor & Student Vaughan Lambard’s...
¶ From James Monroe. Letter not found. 3 February 1823 . Described as a three-page autograph letter, signed, listed for sale in the Charles Hamilton Catalogue No. 103 (24 Feb. 1977), item 161, summarized and abstracted as follows: “dealing with a post for Madison’s nephew, a constitutional matter concerning grants of power in which he is in apparent disagreement both with Madison and...
The President & Directors of the Bank of the United States acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 31st. Ulto. & feel with peculiar sensibility the notification of your Resignation; With sincerity they offer their best wishes, that you may be as happy in private, as your administration has rendered you useful, in public life. They recollect with extreme satisfaction the liberal and...
Timber Length in feet & parts— Breadth in Inches Thickness in Inches— 6 10 15 16 4.½ Back Cants for Cogwheels white oak or heart pine Coggwheel, &c. To be season d 6 10 15 3.¼ Face Cants for ditto. 6