Results 2031-2080 of 184,431 sorted by author
I received your importent Letter so clearly exprest that for some time I was not able to define...
I yesterday received your letter of June 1st. I think letters are longer upon their passage than...
I will not let my dear Boys leave me without taking a few lines to you, my Heart and hands have...
I received two days since your Letter of Febry th 11. it containd information the most agreable...
I wrote to you upon fryday, but I do not now recollect what I have written. I know that my heart...
I take the Liberty of transmitting to you a coppy of a Letter written by my late Brother in Law...
It is a long time since I addresed a Letter to You, and a much longer since I received a Letter...
I congratulate you sir, from my Heart I congratulate my Country, upon the blaize of Glory,...
As I had made up my mind to Submit to the unpleasent circumstances attendent upon distance, and...
I have found the account and inclose it to you. I wish you to inquire of our Tennant whether the...
I this day received your Letter No 75 24th August by way of Newyork—Your Father had received one...
Received Quincy 7th. May 1810 of Thomas B. Adams the sum of Twenty-five Dollars: fifty Cents in...
Did you think that Grandmother would be the first of your Correspondents to write to you? aya She...
I know you will be glad to see my handwriting, and more so, when I tell you that I have rode out...
your Letter of Nov’br 7th allarmd me when I opend it, and Saw that it was in the hand writing of...
While I acknowledge the receipt of your favour of Nov’br 11th, accept my thanks for the kind...
Standing as we do upon the confines of the other world, you at the age of four-score, and I at...
In the absence of your good Lady and daughter, whom I congratulate upon their excursion, I...
with the middle finger of my right hand bound up with a , which you know is very soar, I attempt...
I have not written to you this year! and this is the second month of it, and let us ask the...
How are all your Sick to day. what night had your Mother and how is little Lucy? I presume you...
Since the 18th July, I have not received a Line from you or my Son, altho I have been in daily...
yesterdays Mail brought us the Nomination s to foreign Courts, yours of course, was to England....
with this Letter I inclose to you a list of those Letters which I have received from you, with...
When confined to my Chamber as I am at present by indisposition, I get more leisure for writing...
I was much pleased to receive your Letter of july 26th and to mark your improvement in your hand...
Upon this day solemnized to me, by the anniversary of the death of my beloved Sister, and by the...
I return Carolines Letter with thanks and rejoice to learn that she & the Family arrived safe...
As Congress are now up for this Season, you will be thinking of returning as soon as the Roads...
Seeing in the paper of yesterday, that a vessel call’d the Thorne of New York, was to Sail on the...
I known you are fast asleep while I have kindled my own fire in my chamber calld my men and...
Susan would insist, that she saw the packet go out about 8 oclock this morning. I hope it was so...
I will not let mr Ingraham depart without a few Lines to you. I have written to you Several times...
I owe you many thanks for the early notice which you transmitted me, of mr Adams’s acceptance of...
will you get mr Norten to inform by Letters mr & mrs James Foster of the death of your dear...
I was much pleased with the improvement of in your hand writing. I have had to regret all my Life...
How shall we get on without you? I dont half like it. why cannot you come out with mr Shaw? if...
I will not delay a single hour to replie to your Letter of Jan’ry 8th just recived, and to...
When I closed my Letter; last week to my son by captain Smith, I fully intended to have written...
My Eyes have been very troublesome the week past, So that I have not used my pen. I thank you for...
I take it for granted that you will neither in public or private Life do any thing which you are...
This Anniversary is So well known to you, that you will not wonder; that it always returns with a...
I am very anxious to learn whether mrs Smith is confined? I expected the post of this day would...
I think I will not give to any passenger any Letters, unless a Letter of introduction, for...
I have been intending to write to you, and thank you for the loan of mr Everets Sirmon which I...
My last Letter, was written last week, and addrest to mrs Adams, by the Amsterdam packet, which...
If you will Send Lucy & Johny here to day we will take care of them. Betsy Says She knows her...
It is a long time Since I have received a Line from you, or written one to you. yet it does not...
I rejoice that I can begin the new year without a Repetition of any mournfull, or afflictive...
Mr Depand has sent his Clerk here this Evening, to say that he would sail tomorrow in the Milo,...