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Results 20261-20270 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
[ Paris, 7 Feb. 1786 . Entry in SJL under this date: “A Cary. Of introduction to Lyons. By Lyons.” Not found, but see TJ to John Adams, this date .]
I duly received your favor of Apr. 23. and should have been very happy to have served you by an appointment to a clerkship as you desired; but that I found the offices full, and made it a point not to remove those who were in possession. So that I have not had one single appointment to make. Indeed these posts are so little lucrative that they are hardly worth a gentleman’s coming for from any...
Knowing your fondness for Botany, and meeting with a new edition of Linnaeus’s systema vegetabilium in English with many additions furnished the editors by young Linnaeus which have never yet been in print, I procured one for you, and now avail myself of the return of Monsr. de la Croix to Williamsburg to convey it to you and ask your acceptance of it. I saw in the hands of Mr. Mazzei a list...
In a letter of May 4. I mentioned to you that I had sent you an edition of the English Linneaus by M. de la Croix. The box got to Havre after his departure, so that the not carrying it was not imputable to him. My correspondent at Havre never informed me of this, and I supposed you had received the book when the inclosed bill of lading came to my hands by which it appears to have been sent off...
I am to acknolege the receipt of your favor of Mar. 21. and to correct a most unfortunate error in mine of Dec. 26. 1786. wherein I have written the word Lorient instead of Havre, praying you to send plants and seeds to Lorient only, to the care of M. Limozin, instead of Havre only to the care of M. Limozin, for it is at Havre he lives, and that is much the surest port for me. Plants...
Your favor of Dec. 22. 1785. came to hand eight days ago. I had taken the liberty of recalling myself to your memory by a letter I wrote on the 4th. of May, by Monsr. La Croix, by whom I sent you a copy of the new English edition of Linnaeus’s finding. You are willing to enter into a botanical commerce, by an exchange of roots, plants and seeds. I accede to it cheerfully, and will undertake to...
Doct r Cooper , himself probably the best classical scholar in the US. had from the first proposition of our college recommended a mr Stack as the best classical teacher in America , and worthy of our professorship. it having been found that the University could not be opened for some time yet, I thought it desirable to get a classical school opened immediately in Charlottesville as a nursery...
Your servant, with 4. lambs for mr Cocke , will recieve a 5 th for yourself. it is the second best of the 5. mr Cocke’s are from his own ewes, the one destined for you is from mine, the best I had except one. one of your ewes proved to be with lamb when she came; the other missed altogether. the two last merino ewes I recieved brought the scab into my flock, & I lost several. I tried mercurial...
I have received your very obliging and affectionate Letter of the 19th Ulto and can assure you that no circumstance, amidst the numerous occurrences of my new and arduous employment, has given me more heartfelt satisfaction than the repeated testimonies of approbation which my conduct in accepting of the Presidency of these United Stats has drawn from every quarter, and particularly from those...
Your favor of Mar. 28. has been duly received and I thank you for the kind enquiries after my health and that of my daughter, still more for the information that the several members of your family are well. The distance to which I am removed renders that kind of intelligence more interesting, more welcome, as it seems to have given a keener edge to all the friendly affections of the mind....